积极探索委托收购方式 实现夏粮收购资金供应和风险防范相结合

来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragonpxm
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随着粮食流通体制改革的不断深化,今年广东省早稻全面退出保护价收购范围,一方面政府不下达粮食收购任务、不定价格,国有粮食企业自主经营夏粮收购,另一方面粮食收购主体增加,收购形式多样化。这些变化给农发行信贷资产安全造成较大的影响。如何在防范风险前提下做好夏收资金供应工作,达到既保护农民利益、维护社会稳定的目的又实现我行风险防范的目标,成为今年支持夏粮收购工作的关键。农发行广东省分行在充分调研的基础上,根据“以销定贷、以效定贷”的原则,实行“区别对待,择优扶持”信贷政策,对于为 With the continuous deepening of the reform of the grain circulation system, early this year, Guangdong Province, the full withdrawal of protection of early rice price range, on the one hand the government does not issue the task of grain acquisition, the price is uncertain, the state-owned grain enterprises operating their own summer grain acquisition, the other main acquisition of food acquisitions, acquisitions Diversified forms. These changes have a greater impact on the security of credit assets of the Agricultural Development Bank. Under the precondition of preventing risks, it is necessary to do a good job in providing funds for summer harvest to achieve the goal of protecting the interests of peasants and maintaining social stability, as well as the risk prevention measures of our bank, and become the key to supporting the summer grain purchasing this year. On the basis of full investigation and research, the Agricultural Development Bank of China Guangdong Branch implemented the credit policy of “differentiated treatment, giving priority to support” in line with the principle of “fixing loans by selling fixed loans”
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