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用20—25%PEG溶液处理花生种子48小时,提高活力效应较大。在渗调期间,有明显的ATP合成,为萌发初期胚根、胚轴的生长提供能源。PEG渗调还可以提高花生幼苗的异柠檬裂解酶活性、ATP酶活性以及酸性磷酸酶活性。在渗调期间,胚轴和子叶对磷素(~(32)P)的吸收能力和NRA合成水平均受到明显促进;RNA合成速率显著高于对照种子。~(32)P渗入DNA的现象也很明显,可是,对照种子在吸胀3小时内也出现~(32)P渗入,这可能与DNA的修复有关。在3—4℃中吸胀(预冷吸胀1—5天),发芽率显著下降。如预先渗调处理,在同样条件下种子的抗寒能力却会大大提高。电导测定结果,质膜透性减少,可见渗调有利于膜的修复。与此同时,渗调种子的膜脂脂肪酸不饱和指数(IUFA)比对照种子高。应用PEG渗调还可提高乙烯释放、ACC含量和ACC合成酶活性。 Peanut seeds were treated with 20-25% PEG solution for 48 hours to increase the vigor effect. During the period of osmosis, there is obvious ATP synthesis, which provides energy for the growth of embryo and hypocotyls in the early stage of germination. PEG osmosis can also improve the activity of iso-lemon lyase, ATPase and acid phosphatase of peanut seedlings. During osmosis, both hypocotyl and cotyledon promoted the uptake of phosphorus (~ (32) P) and the level of NRA synthesis; the rate of RNA synthesis was significantly higher than that of control seeds. However, the infiltration of ~ (32) P also appeared within 3 hours of the control seedlings, which may be related to DNA repair. Expansion in the 3-4 ℃ (pre-cooling swelling 1-5 days), the germination rate decreased significantly. If the pre-osmosis treatment, under the same conditions, the ability of the seeds of cold hardiness will be greatly enhanced. Conductivity measurement results, plasma membrane permeability decreased, see infiltration is conducive to membrane repair. At the same time, osmophilic seeds had a higher membrane fatty acid-unsaturated index (IUFA) than control seeds. Application of PEG osmosis also increased ethylene release, ACC content and ACC synthase activity.
冰草属(Agropyron Gaertn.)植物为禾本科小麦族多年生异花授粉植物,具有抗逆、丰产等多种优良性状,是小麦的重要野生近缘属之一,可用于小麦的遗传改良。本研究采用以冰草属典
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