In 2001, Qianjiang District of Chongqing incorporated the district-level administrative unit vehicle insurance into a unified government procurement with remarkable results. Annual payment of insurance premiums of 1,005,000 yuan, saving more than 800,000 yuan before the unified insurance, saving rate of 44%. The main approach is: First, by the District Authority Authority issued the approval of vehicles issued by units, the central government unified by the financial provisions of the vehicle preparation and funding, oversubscribed vehicle finance will not be borne; Second, the implementation of government procurement, to invite the tender method to the local Qualified insurance company issued an invitation letter to tender, according to their premiums, service commitments, quality and ultimately determine the successful insurance unit, and signed an insurance contract; Third, the insurance premiums on the way to improve, that is, the end of March in the insured payment 70% of the premiums, the remaining premiums paid by the end of October is completed, thus easing the pressure on financial expenditure.