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为了规范商品房市场销售行为,维护商品房买卖双方的合法权益,促进房地产业的健康发展,天津市政府办公厅发出《关于实行商品房销售网上管理的通知》(津政办发[2002]86号),决定在全市全面实行商品房销售网上管理。通知指出,从2003年1月1日起,在天津市全面实行商品房销售网上管理,全市房地产开发企业销售商品房必须到市房地产管理局及时办理商品房销售网上管理的相关手续。房地产开发企业在申请办理商品房销售许可证时,必须将所有待售商品房信息准确输入全市商品房销售网上管理系统,并取得商品房销售许可证后方可进行销售。房地产开发企业与购房人签定的商品房购房合同,必须输入 In order to standardize the sales activities of commercial housing market, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of buyers and sellers of commercial buildings and promote the healthy development of real estate industry, the Tianjin Municipal General Office issued the Circular on Implementing Online Management of Commercial Housing Sales (Jinzheng Ban Fa [2002] No. 86) Decided to fully implement the city’s real estate sales online management. The circular pointed out that from January 1, 2003 onwards, the full implementation of online sales of real estate sales in Tianjin, the city’s real estate development business sales of real estate must go to the City Real Estate Administration timely management of real estate sales online management of the relevant procedures. Real estate development enterprises in the application for the sale of real estate permits, all real estate information for sale must be accurately entered the city’s real estate sales online management system, and sales of commercial housing sales permit before sales. Real estate development companies and purchasers signed a commercial housing purchase contracts, you must enter
铁利,又作铁骊、铁离、铁甸等,常见于唐辽间文献,活跃于东北历史数百年。但是,至今学术界对铁利的位置、族属等问题的认识尚不能一致,本文就以上问题进行探讨。 一、唐时铁
  Particles subjected to the inertial lift force will be focused in several equilibrium positions in microchannel.Up to now, most research on inertial focusin
纽约世贸中心遭遇恐怖袭击一周之后,国际知名房地产服务及投资管理公司仲量联行,公布了该公司就此次恐怖攻击事件对纽约以至全球房地产市场的影响所作的估计及分析。 A wee
摘要:数学是一门抽象性很强的学科,如何激起学生学习的乐趣,是数学教师在教学过程中应十分重视的问题。学习兴趣对于学生掌握知识起着非常重要的作用。要我学与我要学,效果截然不同,因此在小学数学教学中教师应在“引趣”的问题上多下些功夫。  关键词:引趣;抽象;激发;重视;应用  数学是一门抽象性很强的学科,如何激起学生学习的乐趣,是数学教师在教学过程中应十分重视的问题。对小学生来说,更重要的要靠教师的课堂
介绍了UM2000复用设备的结构、功能,时钟系统、网管系统等,说明了UM2000在天津电话网中使用的目的及UM2000与相应的设备配套组成“DDN”的应用情况 Introduced the structure, function, clock syst
年已42岁的柏克斯基发现自己也遇到典型的中年危机问题:“能利用前半生学到的一切来为后半生做些什么”答案是:到亚洲去,做风险资本家。 Berkshire, 42, finds himself enc
本文介绍了四川省红原县应用微波一点多址DRMASS系统的实践经验,根据当地环境提供了系统结构方案和需求分析,对边远山区的通信发展有一定的参考价值。 This paper introduces the pr