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为深化城镇住房制度改革,切实搞活并规范住房二级市场,促进已购公房上市交易,鼓励居民换购住房,以优化房地产市场结构,扩大全区房地产交易量,推动住房建设与消费,内蒙古自治区人民政府近日发出了《关于进一步搞活并规范住房二级市场的意见》(内政字〔2003〕254号)。《意见》指出,要加快住房分配货币化步伐,全面建立住房公积金制度,扩大个人住房信贷业务。提高住房金融服务质量。要抓紧处理公有住房出售遗留问题,加快房屋权属登记发放工作进度。各级房改部门对符合出售条件、应售未售的公有住房,应做好出售动员和做好出售工作,确保现存应售公房尽快出售。各地区、各有关部门应采取灵活方式,加快处理房地产历史遗留问题。对于国有企业和集体企业改制前的公有住房,现住职工有权按房改政策购买,现产权单位不得因企业性质发生变化而不出售公有住房, In order to deepen the reform of housing system in cities and towns, effectively activate and standardize the secondary market of housing, promote the listing and trading of purchased public houses, encourage the residents to redeem their houses, optimize the market structure of real estate, expand the transaction volume of real estate in the entire district, promote the housing construction and consumption, and make the people of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region The government recently issued the Opinions on Further Enlightening and Regulating the Secondary Housing Market (No.ZZ Zi [2003] No. 254). The Opinions pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the pace of monetization of housing distribution, establish a system of housing provident funds in an all-round manner and expand the personal housing credit business. Improve the quality of housing financial services. We must pay close attention to the legacy of the sale of public housing to speed up the progress of housing ownership registration and disbursement. Housing reform departments at all levels in line with the conditions of sale should be sold unsold public housing, sales should be good to do a good job selling and sale of work to ensure that the existing sale of public housing to be sold as soon as possible. All localities and departments should take a flexible approach to expedite the handling of the legacy of real estate issues. For state-owned enterprises and collective-owned enterprises before the reform of public housing, existing workers have the right to purchase according to the housing reform policy, the current unit of property rights may not be changed because of the nature of the property not to sell public housing,
  In this paper, we present a microfluidic filter which is a second-order RC low-pass filter to eliminate the pulsatile component within microfluidic devices.
  Microfluidics has a wide application in life sciences (pharmaceutical, personalized medicine and point of care) and other areas such as environmental, analy
铁利,又作铁骊、铁离、铁甸等,常见于唐辽间文献,活跃于东北历史数百年。但是,至今学术界对铁利的位置、族属等问题的认识尚不能一致,本文就以上问题进行探讨。 一、唐时铁
  Particles subjected to the inertial lift force will be focused in several equilibrium positions in microchannel.Up to now, most research on inertial focusin
纽约世贸中心遭遇恐怖袭击一周之后,国际知名房地产服务及投资管理公司仲量联行,公布了该公司就此次恐怖攻击事件对纽约以至全球房地产市场的影响所作的估计及分析。 A wee