美国老兵亲历巴丹死亡行军(三) 盟军游击队在行动

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坦尼趁着加入运水队的机会逃出了集中营,加入了游击队。日本兵的扫荡开始了,他们以小米诱惑菲律宾人告密,残杀当地人逼迫他们提供游击队的情报。由于一个孩子的告密,他被日本人抓住了。经过非人的折磨之后,他又被送进了奥唐奈集中营。本文编译自美国二战老兵列斯特·坦尼的回忆录《地狱的梦魇》。 Tenney took advantage of joining the fleet to escape the concentration camp, joined the guerrillas. The Japanese militarists began their raid by tempting Filipinos with millet and killing the locals by forcing them to provide guerrilla intelligence. He was captured by the Japanese as a result of a child’s informant. After inhuman torture, he was sent to O’Donnell concentration camp. This article is compiled from the memoir “The Nightmare of Hell” from the memoir of United States World War II veteran Lester Taney.
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