
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jnd411525477
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[目的]为使宣城地区水稻农用天气预报更好地为水稻生产服务。[方法]在加强农用天气预报重要性认识的基础上,结合宣城地区水稻生产过程遇到的天气条件和实际工作的开展,分析宣城地区水稻农用天气预报的内容及实际水稻生产的气象预报需求。[结果]宣城地区农事活动的预报项目有水稻适播期预报、水稻移栽期预报、农田施肥期预报、病虫害防治预报、晒田控蘖期预报、灌溉排水预报、收获晾晒期预报等。农业气象灾害服务产品包括低温冷害预报、高温热害预报、暴雨洪涝预报、大风预报和灾后措施、雪灾预报等。这些预报产品在实际水稻生产中起到了重要的指导作用。[结论]充分了解服务范围内水稻种植布局、种植制度和农事活动是编制、开展好水稻农用天气预报服务的前提。熟悉水稻的生长动态、相应的气象指标和可行农技措施是开展好农用天气预报服务的基础。农业情报共享是做好水稻农用天气预报服务的支撑。 [Objective] The purpose is to make rice agricultural weather forecast in Xuancheng serve rice production better. [Method] On the basis of strengthening the understanding of the importance of agricultural weather forecast and combining with the weather conditions and practical work encountered during the rice production process in Xuancheng, the contents of agricultural forecast for rice in Xuancheng area and the meteorological forecast of actual rice production demand. [Result] The forecast items of agricultural activities in Xuancheng area included forecast of suitable sowing date of rice, forecast of transplanting of rice, prediction of fertilizing period of farmland, forecasting of pest and disease control, prediction of controlling tillering time of soils, forecast of irrigation and drainage, forecasting of harvest drying time. Agricultural meteorological disaster service products include cold damage forecast, high temperature thermal damage forecast, storm flood forecast, gale forecast and post-disaster measures, snow forecast. These forecast products play an important guiding role in actual rice production. [Conclusion] It is a prerequisite to comprehend the rice planting layout, planting system and agricultural activities within the scope of service to compose and carry out the service of rice agricultural weather forecasting. Familiar with the growth of rice, the corresponding meteorological indicators and feasible agronomic measures are good weather forecasting services to carry out the foundation. Agricultural intelligence sharing is a good support for rice agricultural weather forecasting services.
从基本激光理论出发,建立了掺铒光纤激光器的传播方程。掺铒光纤在1550 nm波长处具有很高的增益,正对应低损耗通信窗口,具有潜在的应用价值。抽运光模强度分布与纤芯铒离子分