
来源 :临床神经病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tb881011
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患者,男性,57岁,农民。于1989年4月10日入院。一个月前突感左侧肢体活动不灵、麻木,翌晨加重,左侧肢体仅能做水平运动。1周后先左眼后右眼失明,并伴有低热,双侧腓肠肌和腹肌疼痛。经球后注射阿托品及静脉滴注低分子右旋醣酐等治疗后,左侧肢体肌力渐有改善,视力能见1米内物体,但影像模糊。因肌肉疼痛与持续低热转宋我院。体检:T38.5℃,P130次/分,BP19.3/14kPa。神清,心肺正常。腹肌及双侧腓肠肌压痛明 Patient, male, 57 years old, farmer. Admitted to hospital on April 10, 1989. Suddenly a month ago, sudden left limb movement is not working, numbness, heavier the next morning, the left limb can only do horizontal exercise. After 1 week, the left eye and the left eye blindness, accompanied by fever, bilateral gastrocnemius and abdominal pain. After the ball injection of atropine and intravenous infusion of low molecular weight dextran and other treatment, the left limb muscle strength gradually improved vision can see objects within 1 m, but the image blurred. Due to muscle pain and continuous low fever turn my hospital. Physical examination: T38.5 ℃, P130 beats / min, BP19.3 / 14kPa. Clear, normal lung and heart. Abdominal muscle and bilateral gastrocnemius tenderness
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目前颅咽管瘤的治疗仍然是神经外科的一大难题。本文介绍了近些年来对颅咽管瘤治疗的新的观点。 At present, the treatment of craniopharyngioma is still a major proble
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