
来源 :中学生英语读写(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:detectivexiat
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(保留原试题序号)Ⅱ.GrammarDirections:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C, and D.Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21.Marie Curie took little notice the honours that were given to her in her later years. (Retain the original question number) II.GrammarDirections:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C, and D.Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21.Marie Curie took little notice the honours that Were given to her in her later years.
我国古代没有桌椅,室内先铺筵,然后再放上席。筵较宽大,故用来铺地。席比较细小是给人坐的(跟现代的椅垫和蒲团差不多)。古人入室,先脱鞋,然后通过筵坐在席上。现在日本人 I
Once there was a fish seller who was fond of arguing with others. On a summer day he carried a load of fish and arrived at a teahouse.He heard the storyteller
Son:Why do people call their ownlanguage their mother tongue? Mother:Because their fathers seldomget a chance to use it.Guest:Can you give me a room and a Son
New York(Reuters Health)——Want to loweryour risk of having heart attack? Drink more water,and less of everything else,new research reports. New York (Reuter
(一) One day in September we were doing repair work on my parents’oldhouse to get it ready for my youngest daughter’s wedding.We had to 1 agreat climbing pla
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永不放弃,永不心灰意冷。永存信念,它会使你应付自如。 Never give up, never be disheartened. Perseverance, it will make you comfortable.
What can make people fall asleep easiest? Patient:Sleeping pills. Students :Textbooks. What can make people fall asleep easiest? Patient:Sleeping pills. Stude
这篇作文(窃贼的辩解)是解放前(1924年)上海一位中学生写的,从文章中可以窥见生活在旧社会的中学生当时的英语水平。写作及思想水平之一斑。本刊今特选登于此,供鉴赏。 Thi
one day Mrs Green,an old woman went shopping by herself.On herway home,a car knocked her and she had to be in hospital. The next day thedriver came to see her