
来源 :生殖与避孕 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuangtuzhm11
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本研究在1988,6~1990,5的两年间,对688对育龄夫妇进行了连续使用Billings 法的避孕效果与续用情况的观察,共10,275个妇女月;其中,550对夫妇连续使用12个月以上。用生命表统计分析,18个月和12个月时净累积停用率分别为34.58%和19.85%,续用率分别为65.42%和80.15%(因方法学意外妊娠分别为1.18%和1.02%,因方法学停用分别为2.84%和1.61%)。在观察临床效果的同时,对67例使用该法的志愿者进行阴道脱落细胞学检查,10例血、尿LH 和35例尿雌、孕激素测定。本文还对两年来临床观察和实验研究的多个方面进行了讨论,并认为该法值得进一步研究,可有组织、有计划地逐步扩大应用。 In the two years from June 1988 to May 1990,5, 688 couples of childbearing age under continuous Billings method were used to observe the contraceptive effect and the follow-up situation for a total of 10,275 women’s months. Among them, 550 couples used 12 Month or more. With the life table statistical analysis, 18 months and 12 months, the net cumulative deactivation rates were 34.58% and 19.85%, respectively, and the follow-up rates were 65.42% and 80.15% respectively (due to methodological unplanned pregnancies of 1.18% and 1.02% , 2.84% and 1.61%, respectively, due to discontinuation of methodology). While observing the clinical effect, vaginal cytology was performed on 67 volunteers using the method, 10 cases of blood, urine LH and 35 cases of urine estrogen and progesterone. This article also discusses many aspects of clinical observation and experimental research in the past two years, and thinks that the method deserves further study and can be gradually expanded and applied systematically and in a planned way.
⑦湘椒 18号 (原名湘研 16号 ) 是省蔬菜研究所选配的辣味型中晚熟杂交组合。1998、1999年两年多点试验 ,6 6 7m2 产量2 5 30kg ,比湘椒 5号 (湘研 6号 )增产14 .5 %。从定植至