位于辽宁瓦房店温坨子的东岗断裂是一条隐伏断层 ,靠近该地区原曾选定的核电站场址。通过详细的野外地质工作 ,查明了该断裂的地理位置、几何形态 ,发现断裂带东延至尉屯就转向北去 ,并确定它没有与金州断裂相接。经系列探槽的开挖 ,断层构造岩及有关地层样品作绝对年龄测定 ,证明东岗断层错断了中更新世地层 ;但约 5万年以来断层的上覆地层没有被错断 ,因此认为东岗断层不是能动断层。
The Donggang fault at Wintonzi, Wafangdian, Liaoning Province, is a hidden fault near the site of a previously selected nuclear power station in the area. After detailed geological work in the field, the location and geometry of the fault were identified. It was found that the fault zone was extended eastward to Yuantun and turned to the north, confirming that it was not connected with the Jinzhou fault. Excavation of series of trenches, fault structure rocks and related stratigraphic samples for absolute age determination proved that the Donggang fault interrupted the Middle Pleistocene strata; but the overlying strata of the fault since about 50,000 years have not been broken, so that Donggang fault is not active fault.