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患者,女,29岁,已婚八年,因不孕曾多处求诊医治,效果不佳,基层乡医曾疑为卵巢囊肿,于1998年7月21日来我院就医。患者未次月经1998年7月15日。妇检外阴已婚未产式,阴道通畅,宫颈光滑,子宫如4天妊娠大小,质硬,活动度好,左侧附件增粗,右侧附件未见异常。B超提示:(1)左侧附件炎.(2)节育器位于子宫前壁.(3)双侧卵巢未见异常变化。询问病史:八年前曾停经3月余,确诊为“早孕”,并于乡村个体诊所作人工流手术,术后出血不多,三天后病人小便时发现从阴道排出长约7cm,边缘齿状物体,质硬,自述如人体脊椎骨,七天后出血停止,二十天后来月经,周期24~28天,经期5~7天。从此后一直未孕,多年求医治疗,先后作通管术两次,报告提示输卵管通畅,就医时B超提示宫腔有节育器,术中探宫腔9cm,可以探及似节育器样物,但未取出节育器,用取环器在宫腔牵拉时,被取物卡在宫颈内口不易取出,过度牵拉宫颈变型,后用止血 Patient, female, 29 years old, married for eight years, due to infertility had multiple medical treatment, the effect is not good, grass-roots township doctors had suspected ovarian cysts, in July 21, 1998 to our hospital for medical treatment. The patient has not menstruated on July 15, 1998. Vulva vulgar Married undeproduced, vaginal patency, cervical smooth, uterus, such as 4-day pregnancy size, hard, good activity, the left attachment thickening, the right attachment was normal. B-Tip: (1) left attachment inflammation. (2) IUD in the anterior wall of the uterus. (3) no abnormal changes in both ovaries. Asked history: eight years ago, he stopped by more than 3 months, was diagnosed as “early pregnancy” and artificial flow in rural clinics, postoperative bleeding is not much, three days after the patient was found to discharge from the vagina about 7cm, marginal dentate Physical objects, hard, read as human vertebra, stop bleeding after seven days, twenty days later menstruation, cycle 24 to 28 days, menstrual 5-7 days. Since then has not been pregnant, for many years to seek medical treatment, has twice for surgery, the report prompts tubal patency, medical treatment when the B-tip IUD, intrauterine exploration uterine cavity 9cm, you can explore and IUD-like , But did not remove the IUD, with the catcher pulled in the uterine cavity, the card was taken in the cervix within the mouth is not easy to remove, over-stretch cervical variant, with hemostasis