Diffraction tomography is a high-resolution imaging technique that is suitable for imaging formation velocities near wells. When applied to the imaging of synthetic model data, the spatial resolution is less than one acoustic wavelength. However, the conventional filtering backpropagation tomography algorithm is based on the assumption of weak scattering and constant background velocity, and has some limitations when applied to the actual complex structure model. This paper introduces a new, computationally efficient single-wave (P-wave) diffraction tomography algorithm and presents its application in a set of models. These models reflect the actual geology, and the most dramatic changes can be approximated by a set of horizontal layers. The algorithm starts from an underground layered velocity model that can be constructed using logging data or travel-time tomography. Layered diffraction tomography was used to modify the model, revealing the fault, pinch out and tilt structures. This paper presents an overview of the layered diffraction tomography algorithm and its practical method of calculation. as long as