This article from 1984 to 1986, the application of transdermal electrotherapy in 27 cases of refractory tinnitus patients were analyzed to assess the impact of psychological factors on the prognosis. There were 17 males and 10 females, aged 22-75 years old. Average 49.6 years; tinnitus duration of 3 months to 20 years, an average of 4.17 years; unilateral in 16 cases, bilateral in 11 cases. Tinnitus classification: 19 cases of idiopathic, secondary to the ear surgery in 5 cases, 2 cases of combined deafness and traumatic injury in 1 case. Treatment results: mild improvement in 7 cases, significantly improved in 5 cases; ineffective in 14 cases; 1 case of deterioration. By comparing the improvement group of 12 patients with those of the non-improvement group, 15 patients were drawn: the patient’s sexuality