Chinese Is the Best Language

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   Being strong is important, but knowing who you can count on is also important. 做一个坚强的人很重要,但知道谁可以依靠也同样重要。
   Miracles will happen to those who believe in miracles. 相信奇迹的人,才能见证奇迹。
  The best language to learn, argues Simon Long, is Chinese. Look at the numbers…
  “In German oder English I know how to count down
  Und I’m learning Chinese,” says Wernher von Braun
  Half a century ago, when Tom Lehrer wrote his satirical song, the idea of a German rocket scientist counting backwards to zero in Chinese must have sounded both exotic and rather sinister to his American audience.satirical:含讽刺意味的,嘲讽的;exotic:异国的,异乎寻常的;sinister:危险的,凶兆的。 Now that China is ready to take over from America as the country that sends men to the moon, surely there can be no doubt that it talks the language the rest of us should be learning.
  This is not, in fact, rocket science, but economic and political common sense. China is the most populous nation on earth. Even when India assumesassume:If you assume that something is true, you imagine that it is true, sometimes wrongly. that status in the next decade or so, Chinese speakers will still far outnumber those who understand and speak India’s biggest language, Hindi, even if Pakistani speakers of Urdu, which is very similar, are added in. If the point of a language is to be able to communicate with as many people as possible, there is no contestcontest:A contest is a competition or game in which people try to win.. Of course, there are many languages in China, too. But “standard Chinese” (putonghua, aka “Mandarin”), or something close to it, is understood almost everywhere, as it is taught in schools. So there is no need to agoniseagonise:苦斗,苦苦思索。 over which dialectdialect:方言。 to learn.
  China’s economy is going to be the biggest in the world—the only question is when. You can make your own educated guess by using the clever interactiveinteractive:If you describe a group of people or their activities as interactive, you mean that the people communicate with each other。 infographicinfographic:信息图形。 at The defaultdefault:A default situation is what exists or happens unless someone or something changes it. option is 2018. Already China’s spectacularspectacular:Something that is spectacular is very impressive or dramatic. 30year boomboom:If there is a boom in the economy, there is an increase in economic activity, for example in the amount of things that are being bought and sold。 has transformedtransform:To transform something into something else means to change or convert it into that thing。 our lives. When I grew up in London, there were no Chinese tourists, and nothing we owned was made in China. And now? The Chinese economy is likely to continue to outpace the rich world’s for decades to come, tiltingtilt:If a person or thing tilts towards a particular opinion or if something tilts them towards it, they change slightly so that they become more in agreement with that opinion or position。 the balance of economic power. Learn Chinese, not to impressimpress:If something impresses you, you feel great admiration for it. your future boss, but to understand what she is saying.
  Simon Long is the Banyan columnist for The Economist
  文章选自英国《Intelligent Life》杂志的一个系列专题“What is the best language to learn”。
  这是个有趣的话题。在母语是英语的人们心中,如今最值得学习的外语是什么?好奇吗?除了中文,还有French,Spanish,Arabic,Brazilian Portuguese和Latin。
IT’S been a summer of spectacle in London, from the celebrations of the queen’s Diamond Jubilee to the ambitiously named World Shakespeare Festival, and now the grandest show of them all, the 2012 Sum
国外游学价格不断上涨,但这丝毫没有减弱它的火热程度。  随着中小学暑期陆续来临,部分学校、旅行社、留学中介、外语机构都纷纷打出“出国游学”广告。一般2—3周的游学计划,动辄费用3万元—4万元,就这,还不一定能排得上“号”。“不知道这次能不能成行?”北京市民梁女士的话语中透露出些许无奈。她原本打算这个暑假让孩子去国外游学,但是现在看来,这个计划要搁浅了——中意的那家培训机构所有线路几乎都已经“满员”
Ⅰ 试题  一、填空题:本大题共有14道小题,每小题5分,计70分   1.若集合A={x|2≤2x≤8},集合B={x|log2x>1},则集合A∩B=_________.  2.复数z满足|z|-z=101-2i,则z等于_________. 
在离高考只剩下几十天的时间里,同学们应该如何准备高考英语呢?  我有五点建议:  1. 不要再钻研语法规则了,也不要光背单词和语言点了。赶紧去做题,去听,读和写。最后这时刻如能做20套题,对你肯定有大的帮助。  2. 不要过多练习单选了,要多做阅读。阅读要每天做,可以精读两篇,再泛读2—3页。因为阅读是关键,是核心。阅读好了,各方面就都好了。阅读不行,什么都不行。  3. 不要只盯住模拟试题,本地
生活在这纷扰喧嚣的世界里,有时真的需要有自己独处的空间。水边漫步,伫立在无声的空旷中,感受一份清灵;屋中独坐,捧一品香茗,在氤氲的缭绕中随意地读一本好书,舒适闲淡;背上行囊,到心念已久的地方去,一个人前行,自在逍遥……  独处,放飞自己的心灵,什么都可以想,什么都可以不想。独处,静美随之而来,清灵随之而来,温馨随之而来。想来,真好。  Solitude  Henry David Thoreau  
For success, attitude is equally as important as ability. 要想获得成功,态度和能力同样重要。     When you can do what you love & they pay you to do it, that’s one of the best parts of life. 能够做自己喜欢的事,并为此而得到回报,这是生活中最美
高三学子一枚,刚刚保送某985因而下个学期会比较宽松。放假在家几天上网游戏,只觉空虚无聊。于是希望大家能够推荐些有意思、有意义的事。  就我个人经历说说经验教训。  虽然保送了,但是还是要按照学校规章上下学的,所以,除了假期,想要出去好好旅游一下不现实。我先说说我自以为有用的经验:  ·多看点“闲书”,可以不被高考束缚的看点自己喜欢的书,这应该是保送以后的优势体现,不应该浪费,我觉得这点最重要。
A lumberjack is a person whose job is to cut down trees.  from The Economist   选注     Don’t be afraid of change, you may lose out on something good, but you might gain something even better! 不要害怕改