Screening and Identification of Waterlogging Tolerance in Brassica napus Germplasm Resources

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  AbstractIn order to evaluate, screen and identify waterloggingtolerant Brassica napus resources and provide good germplasm materials for breeding of waterloggingtolerant rape, 608 B. napus germplasm materials from different sources were identified and screened for waterloggingtolerant germplasms. The identification results showed that tested materials had dead seedling rates in the range of 0-100%, indicating that these rape germplasm materials varied extensively in waterlogging tolerance. Among the 608 materials, waterloggingtolerant materials (grade I, relative dead seedling rate≤21%) accounted for 25.49%; nontolerant materials (grade Ⅳ+V, dead seedling rate≥61%) accounted for 29.43%; and other materials had waterlogging tolerance between the two. The identification results of waterlogging tolerance in the 349 rape germplasm resource from the upper, middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and Huang-Huai Basin showed that materials from the lower Yangtze River had the lowest average dead seedling rate of 38.8%, which was remarkably lower than materials from other ecological regions, and waterloggingtolerant materials among them accounted for 33.6%, which was also remarkably higher than materials from other ecological regions. It could thus be seen that materials from the lower Yangtze River have stronger waterlogging tolerance than those from other ecological regions overall. In this study, 24 highlytolerant B. napus germplasms (dead seedling rate<1%) were selected from the 608 B. napus germplasm materials, which could be used for breeding of waterloggingtolerant rape and related fundamental research.
  Key wordsBrassica napus; Identification of waterlogging tolerance; Germplasm screening
  Received: May 27, 2018Accepted: September 9, 2018
  Supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFD010020210).
  Yun LI (1982-), female, P. R. China, master, devoted to research about Crop Genetics and Breeding.
  *Corresponding author. Email:
  Rape is one of the oil crops widely planted in the world. The planting area and yield of rape in China rank the first in the world[1]. The Yangteze River Basin is the main producing area in China, and has an area accounting for about 70% of rape planting area in China. Rape production in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is mainly conducted in the mode of ricerape rotation. Water in paddy field is hard to be drained after harvest, and causes wet damage to growth of rape planted later easily, and plus the wet and rainy weather in autumn and winter, waterlogging and damage or crop failure caused by waterlogging happen easily in seedling stage and thus seriously influence rape yield[2]. Researches have shown that waterlogging causes oxygen deficit in rhizosphere of rape, which leads to aggravated anaerobic metabolism, and harmful substances including ethanol, lactic acid and oxygen radical produced in glycolysis, alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation harm cells and cause greatlyreduced plant photosynthesis and inhibited growth[3]. Waterlogging also would influence plant height, stem diameter, root diameter, root length, green leaf number, leaf area and dry weight of rape, and cause decreases in number of effective branches, number of pods per plant and grains per pod, and grain yield might be reduced to 17.0%-42.4%[4-6].   In recent years, there have been many studies on screening of waterloggingtolerant rape resources. Zhang et al.[2] studied the difference in waterlogging tolerance of 9 B. napus varieties (lines) having different genetic backgrounds through indoor waterlogging treatment on germinated seeds. The results showed that different rape varieties (lines) had larger genetic differences on wet damage. Chen et al.[15] studied the 32 rape varieties from Yangtze River Basin through simulated wet damage environment, and the results showed that the wet tolerance in B. napus was controlled by genotypes and had greater genetic differences. And, specifically, there were 6 varieties with stronger wet tolerance, accounting for 18.75% of all the varieties, and 3 varieties with poorer wet tolerance, accounting for 9.38% of all the varieties, and other varieties had moderate wet tolerance. Xu et al.[14] evaluated waterlogging tolerance in 270 rape resources through waterlogging treatment at germination stage according to qualified seedling percentage. The results showed that waterlogging tolerance in rape had extensive genetic variation, and different types of rape varieties differed remarkably in waterlogging tolerance. Generally, B. campestris has waterlogging tolerance stronger than B. napus; ordinary varieties are stronger in waterlogging tolerance than hybrid varieties; rape varieties from the lower Yangtze River have strong waterlogging tolerance than those from the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River, while the genetic variation of waterlogging tolerance in rape from the middle Yangtze River was richer than the lower Yangtze River; and the waterlogging tolerance in spring rape is stronger than that in winter rape. Many research results have consistently shown that there are differences in waterlogging tolerance between rape germplasms from different ecological regions, which provides a theoretical basis for the screening and breeding of waterloggingtolerant germplasms.
  "Rapid screening method on waterlogging tolerance in rapeseed at seedling stage" is a method established by Li et al.[10] for rapidly accurately identifying waterlogging tolerance in rapeseed seedlings. This method uses average dead seedling rate of rape subjected to 6 d of waterlogging treatment (totally immersed) on the 7th day after drainage as the identification index of waterlogging tolerance in rape seedlings. Their study showed that the method could identify tolerant rape with a dead seedling rate of 0 and rape very susceptible to waterlogging with a dead seedling rate of 100%, which had the morphologies and physiological and biochemical indices satisfying the characteristics of tolerance and nontolerant rape, respectively, indicating that method is simple, convenient and reliable[10]. In this study, 608 rape germplasms from different areas were identified by the method. The results showed that B. napus germplasm materials from different sources acted differently after the waterlogging treatment, and waterlogging tolerance varied extensively in the materials, which had the average dead seedlings in the range of 0-100%. The germplasms from different ecological regions differed remarkably in waterlogging tolerance, which accords with reported research results. In this study, the rape germplasms subjected to 6 d of waterlogging treatment were divided into five grades grade I-V (≤20.0%, 20.1%-40.0%, 40.1%-60.0%, 60.1%-80.0% and 80.1%-100.0%) according to average dead seedling rate, and further classified to three types, i.e., waterlogging tolerant: grade (I), moderately tolerant: grade II-IV, and nontolerant: grade (V), which is beneficial to the classification of experimental materials and could better reflect waterlogging tolerance in materials. The materials with a dead seedling rate<1% were deemed to be highly tolerant to waterlogging. These highlytolerant materials could serve as parents for breeding. In this study, 24 highlytolerant resource materials were identified, among which 13 were introduced foreign rape germplams, and 11 were Chinese germplasms. The 11 Chinese materials are mostly rape varieties bred in the lower Yangtze River including Jiangsu, which have very good utilization value in rape breeding for waterlogging.   References
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  Editor: Yingzhi GUANGProofreader: Xinxiu ZHU
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