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今年9至10月间,全国人大常委会执法检查组,到黑龙江、河南、湖南三省,对《中华人民共和国水法》(以下简称水法)的执行情况进行了检查。检查期间,听取了有关部门、省市和长江、黄河水利委员会的情况汇报,实地视察了20多个地市的水利建设情况,召开了各种形式座谈会,广泛听取了各方面的意见和建议。一、取得的主要成效第一,国家把水利建设摆在了基础设施建设的首位,千方百计地加大水利投入。“八五”期间,财政预算内安排的水利投资比“七五”期间增长了64%。与此同时,各地也高度重视水利建设工作,加大了水利投入,使水利建设的步伐明显加快。 From September to October this year, the law enforcement inspection team of the NPC Standing Committee examined the implementation of the “Water Law of the People’s Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as the “Water Law”) in three counties of Heilongjiang, Henan and Hunan. During the inspection, they listened to the reports from relevant departments, provinces, cities and the Yellow River Conservancy Commission, inspected the water conservancy construction in more than 20 cities and cities and held various forms of symposiums and extensively listened to opinions and suggestions from various quarters . First, the main achievements made First, the state put water conservancy construction in the first place of infrastructure construction, do everything possible to increase investment in water conservancy. During the “1985” period, the water conservancy investment arranged in the budget increased by 64% over the “75” period. At the same time, various localities also attach great importance to water conservancy construction work, and increase investment in water conservancy so that the pace of water conservancy construction is markedly accelerated.
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