【摘 要】
A conceptual design study of the HL-2M facility has shown that one can create not only a standard single-null divertor configuration on it,but also a second-ord
【机 构】
Southwestern Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 432, Chengdu 610041
A conceptual design study of the HL-2M facility has shown that one can create not only a standard single-null divertor configuration on it,but also a second-order null (snowflake (SF)) configuration.For the SF divertor,the magnetic flux expansion closes to the separatrix and exceeds that of the standard configuration by more than a factor of 4 at the outer divertor.The heat load at the divertor targets of this innovative configuration has been investigated by using B2.5-Eirene.It is shown that the heat load it targets is different from that of the standard configuration.As a result of the magnetic flux expansion,the peak heat load reduces and does not concentrate on a small area near the separatrix.The heat load profile becomes f1at as compared to the standard divertor.When the upstream density is 2.0 × 1019/m3 with 10 MW heating power flowing into the SOL/divertor regions,the peak load at the outer divertor is 1.64 MW/m2 for the SF divertor,but it is 3.2 MW/m2 for the standard divertor,so the SF divertor can mitigate the heat load at the divertor targets when HL-2M operates at low plasma density and high heating power.
这是一个真实的故事—— 在一次考试的过程中,有个勇敢而极富创意的考生突然提出,要监考的学监为他提供点心和啤酒。接下来是这样一段对话: 学监:对不起,您在说什么? 考生:我要求您现在给我拿点心和啤酒,先生。 学监:很抱歉,不行。 考生:我坚持我的要求,先生。我不仅是请求,而且是命令您现在给我拿点心和啤酒。 这个学生同时出示了一份剑桥大学校规的复印件。这套校规是在400年前用拉丁文订立的,
多年前,我曾有幸为麦当劳公司扮演麦当劳这一角色。每个月公司都有一个常规活动叫“麦当劳日”,那天我们会尽可能多地去探视那些无人问津的社区医院,把祝福和欢笑带给他们。 公司对我的探视活动有两条规定,违反任何一条都意味着要被炒鱿鱼。第一,没有麦当劳公司员工和医护人员的陪同,我不能在医院四处走动。第二,我不能与医院里的人员有任何身体上的接触。他们不想我把病菌从一个病人传到另一个病人身上,对此我能理解,但
每年秋季开学,各县区关工委、教育局、民政局等单位都会为贫困学生举办一些大型捐资助学活动,学期内也会举办几次类似活动。 这些捐助活动场面都比较“宏大”,捐助单位也十分注重“宣传”和“造势”。领导讲话、嘉宾颁奖、学生代表发言、受助学生签字、主持人总结讲话等环节必不可少,有时还要求受资助的学生家长必须到场,其他师生共同参加活动。 捐资助困可谓雪中送炭,但是牺牲学生上课时间,耗费一定人力、物力,场面“
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