No Exit

来源 :英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingyongguo
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The residents of an old people’s home near Cambridge complainedbecause local children were playing in their garden.They askedthe owners of the home to put up a fence to keep the children out.The owners agreed.Two days later,a lorry arrived with three workmen.Theyworked hard for four days and the fence was almost finished. The residents of an old people’s home near Cambridge complainedbecause local children were playing in their garden. They asked the owners of the home to put up a fence to keep the children out. The owners agreed. Two days later, a lorry arrived with three workmen. Theyworked hard for four days and the fence was almost finished.
Taffie watched as herfather unloaded thetubs of fish from hisbattered trawler,“Morning,Taffie,”he grinned,droppinga tub half-filled with speckledflathead ont
研制了一种用于导波器件的宽带声光Bragg偏转叉指换能器,并给出了在Y切Ti:LiNbO3光波导上的实验结果。 A wideband acousto-optic Bragg deflection interdigital transducer for guided wav
重点终端有两大好处:一是能更好地完成销量及回款指标;二是通过重点终端的带动,能更好地确保渠道链的畅通,并对其他终端形成利好影响。  但谁才是我们的重点终端呢?假如,我做香皂、沐浴露类产品,它们通过何种渠道进入千家万户?现代渠道!显然,现代渠道中的大卖扬、超市、便利店和百货商店都是我们的重点终端。可是,这些现代渠道,在任何一个大中城市都有成百上千家,难道我们无须细分,就可以划片区开始“扫街”了吗? 
The landslide vitory bythe Labour Party inthis year’s generalelection was so overwhelmingthat it shocked everyone,in-cluding Labour and its leader,Tony Blair.
Jill stepped out of the stage door.It was raining.“Damn,”shethought.She’d blown the job.~1“It was only a tiny part in the cho-rus,”she comforted herself,
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