,Electronic structure of single-crystalline graphene grown on Cu/Ni (111) alloy film

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a6231423
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Graphene with a Dirac cone-like electronic structure has been extensively studied because of its novel transport properties and potential application for future electronic devices.For epitaxially grown graphene,the process conditions and the microstructures are strongly dependent on various substrate materials with different lattice constants and interface energies.Utilizing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,here we report an investigation of the electronic structure of single-crystalline graphene grown on Cu/Ni (111) alloy film by chemical vapor deposition.With a relatively low growth temperature,graphene on Cu/Ni (111) exhibits a Dirac cone-like dispersion comparable to that of graphene grown on Cu (111).The linear dispersions forming Dirac cone are as wide as 2 eV,with the Fermi velocity of approximately 1.1 ×106 m/s.Dirac cone opens a gap of approximately 152 meV at the binding energy of approximately 304 meV.Our findings would promote the study of engineering of graphene on different substrate materials.
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