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板书,是教师授课时必须使用的教学手段之一.一堂好课,除了教师生动形象的讲解、对现代化教学手段的熟练使用、以及学生的紧密配合之外,板书便显得甚为重要.假如一堂课,教师的语言很生动,讲解也很精辟,直观手段的运用也相当熟练,但当课结束时,黑板上没有系统的结构紧密的板书.那么最终也不会在学生头脑中形成完整的知识轮廓,在复习巩固时便会失去依据,无从下手.这样的课不能算一堂好课,这样的教学方法也不能达到预期的教学目的.而一幅好的板书,不仅有助于学生对教材的理解和对知识的巩固,而且对启发学生思维,发展智力,指导学路都起到画龙点睛的作用.好的板书,要求系统、完整、简明扼要、重点突出、直观形象.然而板书的形式不同,所起的作用也不尽相同,这就要求教师根据教材内容精心的设计和灵活的运用.几年的生物教学实践中,我们对此进行了一定的探索,积累了一点心得,现写来供大家参考: Board writing is one of the teaching methods that teachers must use when teaching. In addition to the vivid presentation of teachers, the skilled use of modern teaching methods, and the close cooperation of students, board writing is very important. In class, the teacher’s language is very lively, the explanation is also incisive, and the use of intuitive means is also very skillful, but when the class is over, there is no systematically structured blackboard on the blackboard. In the end, it will not form a complete knowledge in the students’ minds. Contours will lose ground when reviewing and consolidating. There is no way to start. Such a lesson cannot be considered as a good lesson. Such a teaching method cannot achieve the intended teaching purpose. A good copy of a blackboard will not only help students with the teaching materials. Understanding and consolidating knowledge, but also for the inspiration of student thinking, the development of intelligence, to guide the road to learn the role of the finishing touch. A good board, requires a systematic, complete, concise, focused, intuitive image. However, board writing in different forms, The role played is also not the same, which requires teachers to carefully design and use flexibly according to the content of teaching materials. In the years of biological teaching practice, we A certain amount of exploration, has accumulated a little experience, now write for your reference:
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引入转换机制 优化解题质量陈成楼(浙江省永康市第二中学)数学解题过程,实质上是一个思维活动的转换过程.在解题时,若能恰到好处地引入转换机制,充分发挥转化功能.则无疑是给解题注
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