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“九五”计划明确,“九五”期间,我国将继续坚持把加强农业放在发展国民经济的首位,保证粮棉油等农产品稳定增长,粮食生产能力达到本世纪末一万亿斤的新水平;农民收入有较快的增加,生活达到小康水平,基本解决目前还处于贫困状态的七千万农村人口的温饱问题。要实现该目标,除党中央及时制定贯彻适应农业生产力水平和国情的农业经济政策外,还必须研究解决前期存在的制约农业发展的投入不足等问题,特别是农业信贷投入不足的问题。一、农业信贷投入不足的原因我认为:造成我国农业信贷投入不足,制约农业经济更快发展的原因主要是以下几个方面。(一)在农业经营体制方面:“小规模、高成本、低效益”的小农经济特征,农户缺乏信贷投入的内在要求。农业的双层经营,以其微观基础——农户家庭承包为特 During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, China will continue to give top priority to strengthening agriculture in the development of national economy, guarantee the steady growth of agricultural products such as grain, cotton and oil, and achieve a one trillion yuan grain production capacity by the end of this century The new level of peasants ’income; the peasants’ income has increased rapidly and their life has reached a well-to-do level so as to basically solve the problem of food and clothing for the 70 million rural population still in poverty. In order to achieve this goal, in addition to formulating and implementing agricultural economic policies that are timely adapted to the level and national conditions of agricultural productivity, the party Central Committee must also study and solve the problems of pre-existing restrictions on the insufficient investment in agricultural development, especially the insufficient input in agricultural credit. First, the reasons for the lack of agricultural credit investment I think: China’s agricultural credit caused by inadequate investment, restrict the rapid development of agricultural economy is mainly due to the following aspects. (1) In the aspect of agricultural management system: “Economic characteristics of small-scale, high-cost and low-benefit” small-scale peasants lack the inherent requirements of credit input. Double-storey agriculture, with its micro-foundation - farmer family contract is special
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美国一项最新研究显示,对于健康人来说,适量食用核桃以及鳟鱼、三文鱼和鲱鱼等脂质鱼类可以降低患心脏病的风险。 A new study in the United States shows that eating hea
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