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全国大学英语四级统考(CET-4)的写作部分主要是考察学生用英语进行书面交际的能力。考试是命题作文,这就明确了文章的主题,限制了写作范围,而每一段开头都给了一个主题句(Topic Sentence)从而提示了每一段应包括的主要内容。作文审题在很大程度上关系到整篇文章的成败,因而不可忽视。有的考生答卷时唯恐时间不够,往往提笔就写,不仔细审题,结果写出的文章不是离题太远,就是没抓住重点,杂乱无章,缺乏逻辑性和关联性,失去了得分的机会。87年四级统考试卷中的作文题目是“Women in the Modern World”, The writing part of the National College English Test 4 (CET-4) mainly examines students’ ability to communicate in writing in English. The exam is a propositional composition, which clarifies the subject of the article and limits the scope of writing. At the beginning of each paragraph, a Topic Sentence is given to indicate the main content that each paragraph should include. Composition examination questions are largely related to the success or failure of the entire article and cannot be ignored. Some candidates are afraid that they will not have enough time to answer the questions. They often write after the pen and do not examine the questions carefully. As a result, the articles they write are not too far off the subject, they are not focused, they are cluttered, they lack logic and relevance, and they lose the chance to score. The essay in the 87th grade examination paper is entitled “Women in the Modern World.”
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