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学生不可避免做错题目,教师少不得为学生纠正学习上的错误。常常听到一些教师这样抱怨学生:以前纠正了的错误为什么重犯了!?所以出现这种情况,除了学生方面的原因外,一个来自教师的重要原因是:纠错时未引导学生深入一步“究错”——产生错误的根源是什么? “究错”的意义是明显的。当导致错误的原因被发现以后,它必然会刺激学生产生深刻的印象,使学生对错误留下有痕迹的记忆,同时便于学生“对症下药”,从而从根本上避免今后重犯同样或类似的错误。“究错”不仅是成绩较差学生进步的好方法,也是基础较好学生培养思维周密性的好途径。 Students are inevitably doing wrong things, and teachers must not correct mistakes in their studies. It is often heard that some teachers complain about students: why did the mistakes that were previously corrected make a big mistake? Therefore, apart from student reasons, an important reason from teachers is that the error has not guided students to go one step further. “Wrong” - What is the root cause of the error? The meaning of “mistake” is obvious. When the cause of the error is discovered, it will inevitably stimulate students to make a deep impression, leaving the student with a trace of the memory of the error, and at the same time facilitate the students to “prescribe the right medicine,” thereby fundamentally avoiding repeating the same or similar mistakes in the future. “Looking at mistakes” is not only a good way for students with poor performance, but also a good way for better basic students to cultivate their thinking.
在英语中,有的单词如“everyday”是形容词,意思是“平常的”,“一般的”,“日常的”,只能置于名词之前,用作定语,不能分写成everyday;而every day是副词短语,意思是“每天
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Ⅰ.What作为(关系)形容词的一些惯用法 1.不含疑问意义的“What+名词”。这种结构中的What用英语解释可具有如下三种不同含义,那就是: 1)all…that…(所有的……都……),例
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