Investigations on vortex structures for undulating fin propulsion using phase-locked digital particl

来源 :水动力学研究与进展B辑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyfall533
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The Gymnarchus niloticus fish can swim in surging and heaving directions only with a long undulating ribbon fin while keeping its body along almost straight line.These features substantially inspire the design of underwater vessels with high maneuverability and station keeping performance,which is characterized by peculiar vortex structures induced by undulating fin propulsion.To reveal the propulsion mechanism under the evolution of these complex vortex structures,the variation of velocity field with the undulating fin\'s wave phase on cross section and mid-sagittal plane at wave amplitude of 85° is investigated by phase-locked digital particle image velocimetry(DPIV).Through experimental flow field images,two typical vortex structures are clearly identified,i.e.,streamwise vortex and crescent vortex,which is further explained by supplemental numerical simulations using large eddy simulation.Vortex characteristic and its evolution on cross sections and mid-sagittal planes is investigated,and its relationship with thrust,heave force is also analyzed.It is found that the two kinds of vortexes induce the main hydrodynamic forces in two directions synchronously,which brings the undulating fin propulsion an extra-ordinal maneuverability.The research will be useful for understanding the potential mechanism of this novel propulsion and is of great application prospect in designing more maneuverable underwater vehicles.
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研究了苛性比1.42、铝元素浓度1.54 mol/L的偏铝酸钠溶液中通入CO2气体以碳分法制备氢氧化铝,考察了超声波对碳分结晶氢氧化铝的影响,并对比了超声波强化结晶和机械搅拌结晶对沉淀粉体粒径的影响。结果表明:超声波可显著降低结晶粉体粒径,在50℃、CO2流量0.2 L/min、超声波功率320 W下结晶15 min,可得粒径5.565μm的氢氧化铝粉体。
In this paper,cross-flow vortex-induced vibration(ⅥⅤ)responses of a circular cylinder surrounded with different control rods have been investigated in a wind tunnel.The number of rods n is set equal to 3 and 6,and the ratios of diameters d/D(where d is th
研究了用草酸作脱除剂从有色冶炼酸性废水中去除钙离子,考察了草酸用量、反应温度、反应时间和搅拌速度对钙离子去除率的影响,利用响应曲面法分析和优化了主要影响因素。结果表明:在草酸用量9 g/L、温度65℃、反应时间45 min条件下,Ca2+去除率达83.41%,去除效果较好。
Recently,the Liutex-based force field models are proposed and applied to some two-dimensional flows to explore the possibility of direct vortex control strategies.In this paper,we applied the Liutex-based centripetal force model to three-dimensional flow