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高峰叠起、国歌频奏的16天无疑让人激动,笔端蕴秀,胸中生情,记者读者之间自是有万般交流。如今,大幕初落,健儿接踵凯旋,波澜已定,国人颔首相庆之际,我们却想推荐一篇别致的新闻作品《张山打出轰动新闻》(作者:新华社记者杨明、高殿民,解放军报摘编综合,载解放军报1992年7月30日)。它不是宏篇巨制,但征询起来,许多朋友说对之颇有印象,它不那么感情激荡,却别有一番清新,一番跳动,一番精到,给人留下回味的余地。在巴塞罗那奥运会上,张山夺金,无疑是绝大多数人始料不及的大新闻。袁伟民在对记者发表谈话时,也曾提到这层意思。巾帼不让须眉,而且还夺了冠军。这在奥运会历史上是空前,又可能是绝后。三者相加,就更引起了人们的兴趣。其人、其事、其情、其累,都是被这一新闻吸引了的人们关心的。对记者来说,纵论古今、点拨精神、感慨万千、烘托生 Peaks stacked, the 16-day national anthem is undoubtedly exciting, pen tip Yunxiu, chest passion, there is a natural exchange of journalists. Today, the curtain early fall, athletes triumph after another, waves has been set, people nod celebrated the occasion, but we’d like to recommend a chic news work, “Zhang Shan played sensational news” (Author: Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Ming, a high temple of Min , Liberation Army Daily summary compiled, contained Liberation Army Daily July 30, 1992). It is not a grand piecemeal system. However, after consultation, many of my friends said that they are quite impressed. They are not so emotional, but do not have some freshness, some beating, some refinement, leaving room for aftertaste. In the Barcelona Olympic Games, Zhang Shan gold, no doubt the overwhelming majority of the big news. Yuan Weimin also mentioned this meaning in his speech to reporters. Women do not let men, but also won the championship. This is unprecedented in the history of the Olympic Games, but also may be unprecedented. The three together, it even caused more people’s interest. Their people, their events, their feelings and their tiredness are all those people that are attracted to this news. For journalists, we can talk about ancient times and modern times and give pointes of inspiration