
来源 :海洋环境科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bailong08
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通过2015年8月对宁德海域表层沉积物氧化还原电位(Eh)的现场调查(119.867°E~120.649°E,26.348°N~26.994°N),分析了该海域表层沉积物Eh的分布特征,并从水团性质、盐度、p H、溶解氧等上覆水体特征参数以及硫化物、有机质、底质类型等沉积物特征因子两大方面探讨了Eh的影响因素。结果表明,研究海域表层沉积物Eh的变化范围为-162~110 m V,平均值为-89 m V,基本属于弱还原性-还原性环境,空间分布呈近岸高外海低的特征。相较于20世纪80年代福建沿岸Eh调查结果,本次调查宁德近海表层沉积物Eh明显降低。上覆水体的盐度、DO等参数与Eh表现出一定的相关性,DO与Eh的正相关性极为显著(r=0.729,p<0.01),且空间分布特征也较为相似。表层沉积物中硫化物含量高低直接影响Eh值,并表现出极显著的负相关(r=-0.806,p=0.000)。近年来,受人类活动影响,研究海域表层沉积物氧化还原状态发生了明显改变,这种改变在一定程度上会影响沉积物中生物的生存活动,因此有必要采取相应措施,加强该海域底质环境的监测,在保持地区经济发展的同时也要加强海域环境的保护力度。 The distribution characteristics of surface sediments Eh in the sea area were analyzed by on-site investigation (Eh) of surface sediments in Ningde sea area (119.867 ° E ~ 120.649 ° E, 26.348 ° N ~ 26.994 ° N) in August 2015, The influential factors of Eh were discussed from two aspects of water quality characteristics, salinity, p H, dissolved oxygen and other overlying water features, and characteristic factors of sediments such as sulfide, organic matter and sediment types. The results show that the surface sediment Eh in the study area varies from -162 to 110 mV with an average of -89 mV, which belongs to the weak reductive-reducing environment. Compared with the Eh survey of the Fujian coast in the 1980s, the Eh of the surface sediments in the Ningde coastal area decreased significantly. The salinity, DO and other parameters of the overlying water show a certain correlation with Eh. The positive correlation between DO and Eh is significant (r = 0.729, p <0.01), and the spatial distribution characteristics are similar. The content of sulfide in the surface sediments directly affects the Eh value and shows a very significant negative correlation (r = -0.806, p = 0.000). In recent years, under the influence of human activities, the redox status of surface sediments in the study area has changed obviously, which will affect the living activities of the organisms in the sediments to a certain extent. Therefore, it is necessary to take corresponding measures to strengthen the sediment Environmental monitoring, while maintaining regional economic development should also strengthen maritime environment protection efforts.
本研究以不同基因型的3个铁皮石斛(Dendrobium candidum)品种ZD-1、 ZD-2、ZD-3为试验材料,研究了不同低温(5、0和-2℃)下处理不同时间段(6、12和18h)及恢复生长过程中铁皮石斛组培幼苗的生理生化反应特性,为探讨耐寒性指标,了解新品系耐寒性强弱,分别测定了丙二醛(MDA)和叶绿素含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过
游戏元素丰富  与传统意义上的专门经营概念不同,在“饭店物语”中,玩家可以实现能想到的基本所有类型的店铺。这些店铺都会整合到游戏的框架内,也就是玩家自己的地盘。包括客房、便利店、浴室、图书馆、洗衣店、美甲店、网吧、餐厅、咖啡厅等等比较常规多见的空间,更包括了不常见的一些店面,比如香槟店、书法店、礼品店、月饼点,连ATM取款机都包含其中。不仅是经营的店面,装饰物品也包含了很多样式。从绿植到地板、挂件
本文提出了一种利用VFW接口函数,实现了C3I系统的图像采集,捕捉到的视频图像用于编码发送。可以实现通用视频采集卡的操作。 This paper presents a use of VFW interface f