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笔者从市植保站获悉,当前正值夏蝗防治适期,6月24~25日,全国农技中心钟天润副主任、杨普云处长、朱景全一行三人督导组莅临天津市对全市今年夏蝗防控工作进行督导。督导组听取了天津市夏蝗发生情况和防控工作完成情况,参观了大港防蝗站药械储备库、养虫室,实地考察了北大港水库蝗区。该站刘克祥站长具体汇报了全市今年夏蝗发生防治概况、重大病虫统防统治补助政策落实情况以及蝗虫防控新机制运行情况。市农业局王如立副局长对全市近年来防蝗工作所取得的成绩做了 The author learned from the plant protection station, the current summer locust prevention and control period, June 24 ~ 25, the National Agricultural Technology Center Zhong Tianrun, deputy director, Director Yang Puyun, Zhu Jingquan and his party three-member steering group to visit the city of this year summer Locust Prevention Control work supervision. The Steering Group listened to the occurrence of summer locusts and the completion of prevention and control work in Tianjin City. They visited the Dagang Locust Station drugstore stockpile and supportive insect shelters and inspected the locust area of ​​Beidagang Reservoir. The station director Liu Kexiang specifically reported the city’s prevention and control of summer locust this year, the implementation of major pests and diseases prevention and control subsidies and implementation of the new mechanism of locust control operation. Municipal Bureau of Agriculture Wang Ruli, deputy director of the city’s prevention of locust in recent years, the achievements made
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