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1988年初在陇西境内的两处钱币窖藏中,发现有特殊标志的货泉10枚。这种标志的特征是:在普通货泉面穿或背穿的一侧或两侧,从穿口开始,有一长约0.6厘米,宽约0.5厘米,厚约0.05厘米的长方形贴片,贴片中间有一星。由于流通过程中的磨损,完整者3枚,基本完整者2枚,残损者5枚。这种有特殊标志的货泉,历代泉家的著述中均未有录着,亦未发现出土报道。根据实物分析判断,这种标志不是与钱一次铸就,而是普通流通货市上,由于某种缘故焊接上去的。标志方位,据10枚钱统计,面上6枚,背上4枚;单标志7枚,双标志3枚。面标6枚中,穿下2枚,穿右2枚,穿左、右1枚,穿下、左1枚;背标4枚中,穿上1枚,穿右1枚,穿左1枚,穿上、右1枚。重为5枚,单郭1枚,无内郭4枚。最重者4克,最轻者2.7克,平均重3.44克。我以为下述四人之一,可能与这一货泉有关。1、王莽。据《汉书·王莽传》载:“吏民出入,持布钱以副符传,不持者,厨传勿舍,关津苛留”。接着说“欲以重而行之”。对所持作通行证的“布钱”,历来说法不一,有说垂针篆布泉的,有说十布的。这种“加重”了的标志货泉,作为通行证,亦不无可能。 In early 1988, two coin coffers in Longxi territory found 10 items with special symbols. The characteristics of this sign are: a rectangular patch with a length of about 0.6 cm, a width of about 0.5 cm and a thickness of about 0.05 cm, starting from the puncture opening, on one or both sides of the general cargo spring, There is a star in the middle Due to wear and tear in the process of circulation, the complete three, basically two, five were disabled. This special symbol of the stock of spring, the past generations of Stephen’s writings are not recorded, did not find unclaimed reports. According to the physical analysis to determine, this sign is not cast once with the money, but the ordinary circulation of the market, for some reason, welded up. Flag location, according to 10 money statistics, the face of 6, 4 back; single logo 7, double logo 3. 6 in the face, wear 2, wear the right 2, wear the left and right 1, wear the next, left 1; back 4, wear 1, wear the right one, wear the left one , Put on, the right one. Weight is 5, a single Guo, no inner Guo 4. The heaviest 4 grams, the lightest 2.7 grams, an average of 3.44 grams. I think one of the following four people may be related to this money. 1, Wang Mang. According to “Han Wang Mang Biography” contains: “Officials go in and out, holding cloth money to vice Fu Chuan, not those who hold, Chuan-chuen, Katsunuma stay.” Then say “want to do it by weight”. As for the “cloth money” held by the pass, it has always been said that there is a saying that there is a saying about the cloth fountain. This “heavier” mark of the currency, as a pass, is also not impossible.
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国家或地区1999年收录的科技论文数 (篇 )SCIISTPEI1999年收录的科技论文总数 (篇 )占收录科技论文总数的比例 (% ) 名 次世界科技论文总数 973 2 86 2 412 6 2 19896 5 14 13 5 13 1
在通道侗家山寨,至今还保留着青年男女独特的谈情说爱的传统风俗“行歌坐夜”,就是侗家小伙子夜晚到侗家姑娘家里通过唱歌对歌来谈情说爱,定下终身。 行歌坐夜一般选择月朗