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一、“九五” 回顾 (一)“九五”期间,全省继续按照“一头两翼” 的总体思路发展水利经济,与“八五”相比,发展成果更加显著。 1.水利经济总量持续增长,经济效益大大提高。“九五”末,水利经济总收入预计可达105亿元,比“八五”末翻了一番。“九五”期间,全省水利系统累计行政事业性收费27亿元,是“八五”期间的4倍;供水累计收入37亿元,是“八五”期间的1.7倍;实现营业收入 I. “Ninth Five-Year Plan” Review (I) During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, the province continued to develop the water conservancy economy according to the overall thinking of “One Wing and Two Wings.” Compared with the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, the development results were even more pronounced. 1. The total economic volume of water conservancy continues to grow, and the economic benefits have greatly increased. At the end of the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, the total income of the water conservancy economy is expected to reach 10.5 billion yuan, which is more than double the end of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”. During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, the cumulative administrative fees of the water conservancy system in the province totaled 2.7 billion yuan, which was four times that of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period; the accumulated water supply revenue was 3.7 billion yuan, which was 1.7 times that of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period; and operating income was realized.
在谈及“no one”的所指和“no one of us(the students,the books...)”这种搭配时,一些词书或专著说no one只指“人”不指“事物”,例如:《新编英语语法(上)》p.186说”..
文章以实际工程为例,介绍了如何运用BIM 5D技术,对砌体工程进行三维砌体排布深化设计、三维标准层汇验、三维可视化施工交底、工程量清单统计分析,成功的解决了现场砌块切割
摘 要:随着科技时代的到来,在一定程度上提升了项目资料管理和利用的难度与层次,现阶段的学校项目资料管理已经不能依靠传统的方式进行管理,项目资料管理技术改革成为相关工作人员的首要任务。目前中职类学校的项目管理体制存在较大的弊端,与实际的管理体制存在严重脱节情况。这就促使中职类学校项目资料管理人员要改变传统管理方式,并且需要不断适应时代发展要求,完善项目资料管理制度,不断提升科学管理水平,组建专业的项