
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:studyrec
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近几年,钱币收藏热了起来,钱币市场也就应运而生。在一些大中城市里,有设店专营的,有划地摆摊的,还有一批专在旧货、花鸟、邮票市场中流动贩钱的。钱币品种之多,从上古贝币至民国铜元,由人民币到外币,真可以说是形形色色,无所不有。然而,钱币市场和其它市场一样,最能使交易双方都感兴趣的还属价格。稍有不同的是,钱币市场上讨价还价之声不绝于耳,从几角钱一枚的所谓“垃圾钱”到上千、上万元一枚的大名誉品,几乎每笔交易都要经过一番锱铢必较后才能成交,这是其它市场所不及的。尽管如此,它的价格形成还是有规可循的,那就是“物以稀为贵”。初涉钱币市场者,不谙此道,往往会被某些售钱者的千年“罐藏”、“坟埋”之说所诱惑,便真以为越古越贵,结果花了 In recent years, coin collections have grown hot and the coin market has emerged. In some large and medium-sized cities, there are franchised stores and stalls, and there are a group of people who specialize in the sale of old goods, flowers, and stamps. There are so many varieties of coins, from the ancient coins to the copper coins of the Republic of China. From RMB to foreign currency, it can be said that they are all kinds of things. However, the coin market, like other markets, is the price that is most likely to interest both parties to the transaction. What is slightly different is that bargaining in the numismatic market is endless. From the so-called “junk money” to the thousands, and to the tens of thousands of yuan’s large honorary relics, there are almost one transaction for each transaction. Panyu can only be traded later, which is beyond the reach of other markets. In spite of this, the formation of its price is still regulated, that is, “things are rare and expensive”. People who are involved in the numismatic market do not want to be tempted by this. They are often tempted by the millenial ”pot” and ”grave buried” of some money-sellers. They really think that the more ancient the more expensive, the result has taken
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