自 1996~ 1998年,北京市怀柔县先后建起 4个年加工能力近万吨的蔬菜腌渍厂,为配合加工出口,从 1996年开始引进了国内外市场销路极好的腌渍新品种日本“式部中茄”,通过近 5年的种植实践,取得较好的经济效益。“式部中茄”平均 667米 2产 2800公斤, 667米 2收入 2240元,开支
Since 1996 ~ 1998, Huairou County in Beijing has set up four vegetable pickling plants with a processing capacity of nearly 10,000 tons per year. In order to tie in with the export of processed products, the new pickled new Japanese and Chinese market “ Department of eggplant ”, through nearly 5 years of planting practice, get better economic benefits. “Department of the Department of eggplant ” an average of 667 meters 2 production 2800 kilograms, 667 meters 2 income 2240 yuan, expenditure