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第一章总则第一条为了做好婚姻登记工作,保障合法婚姻的确立,防止违法婚姻的发生,根据《中华人民共和国婚姻法》、国务院批准的《婚姻登记办法》(以下统称婚姻法规),结合四川实际,制定本细则。第二条男女双方自愿结婚、离婚和复婚,必须依照本细则规定到当地人民政府的婚姻登记机关进行婚姻登记。依法履行登记的婚姻当事人的合法权益受法律保护。第三条县以上各级民政部门主管婚姻登记工作。第四条婚姻登记机关应严格遵照婚姻法规和本细则规定,做好婚姻登记工作。各单位应按照婚姻法规和本细则规定,如实地为婚姻当事人出具婚姻状况证明,做好婚姻法规和计划生育政策的宣传。 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to make the marriage registration work well, guarantee the establishment of legal marriage and prevent the occurrence of illegal marriage, according to the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for Registration of Marriage approved by the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the Marriage Law) Sichuan reality, formulate these rules. Article 2 The voluntary marriage, divorce and remarriage of both men and women shall be registered with the marriage registration office of the local people's government in accordance with the provisions of these Rules. The lawful rights and interests of the parties to the marriage that perform the registration according to law are protected by law. Article 3 The civil affairs departments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the registration of marriage. Article 4 The marriage registration authority shall strictly comply with the provisions of the Marriage Regulations and these Detailed Rules and shall do a good job in the registration of marriage. All units shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Marriage Regulations and these Detailed Rules, faithfully issue proofs of marital status to the parties to the marriage and shall publicize the marriage laws and regulations and the family planning policy.
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当前,全国正在进行商业贿赂的专项治理要使这一工作全面持久深入地开展下去,首要的一条便是用好法律武器一些报刊和媒体也就此进行了讨论,其中一个很有代表性的观点即是,现行的法律不健全,应抓紧制定有关惩治商业贿赂的法律其实,早在上个世纪90年代初全国人大常委会制定并颁行的《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》就对商业贿赂的形式和表现特征作出了明确规范,今天它也依然是我们治理商业贿赂的最重要的法律依据    反不
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