
来源 :知识产权法研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:levelsetsharon
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我国的知识产权海关保护立法的目的之一即为保护知识产权权利人的合法权益。然而,在实践中权利人对此却颇有微词。经过对我国相关立法的分析,笔者认为立法中关于知识产权海关保护的性质定位与其具体保护措施之间的错位是问题产生的症结所在。一方面将知识产权的海关保护定位为在知识产权权利人配合下海关依法独立行使职权,另一方面又给权利人施加过重的义务,使其权利义务明显失衡。最后,本文介绍了个别国家立法及相关的国际公约中可供我国立法借鉴之处,以期对我国今后立法和修法有所帮助。 One of the purposes of the customs protection legislation of intellectual property in China is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the holders of intellectual property rights. However, in practice, obligees rightly criticize this. After analyzing the relevant legislation in our country, the author thinks that the crux of the issue lies in the dislocation between the nature of the customs protection of intellectual property and the specific protection measures in the legislation. On the one hand, the customs protection of intellectual property rights is defined as the independent exercise of powers by the customs in accordance with the law with the cooperation of the intellectual property rights holders; on the other hand, it imposes excessive obligations on the rights holders so that their rights and obligations are obviously unbalanced. At last, this article introduces some countries’ legislation and related international conventions that can be used for the reference of our country’s legislation in order to help our country’s future legislation and revision.
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