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群众体育观念作为群众体育文化的一部分,一方面在实现其发展的过程中反映了大众的需要,引导着群众体育文化的发展方向,进而形成特定的价值观念根深蒂固。另一方面,群众体育观念作为一种意识形态,因其价值取向的特殊性,使其在某些特定环境下不能代表群众的真正意愿与需求,并需要文化实践来指导其前进。群众体育文化观念肩负着打破体育文化 As a part of the mass sports culture, the concept of mass sports, on the one hand, reflects the needs of the general public in the process of realizing its development and guides the development direction of the mass sports culture so as to form a deep-rooted and specific value concept. On the other hand, as a kind of ideology, mass sports concept can not represent the true wishes and needs of the masses in some special circumstances because of the particularity of its value orientation, and needs cultural practice to guide its progress. The concept of mass sports culture shoulders the breaking of sports culture
在英国伯明翰举行的第九届世界室内田径锦标赛传来佳音:上海小将刘翔战胜多名外国好手夺得60米栏铜牌,改写了中国男子运动员与世锦赛、奥运会径赛项目奖牌无缘的历史。 Goo
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