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近30年来,中国社会的全面进步给女性的发展提供了前所未有的广阔空间。目前,中国女性参与社会工作的比例高达总从业人数的46.7%,远远高于世界水平。而在近年逐渐成为我国就业热点的直销行业中,女性更占到近70%的比例。无庸置疑,女性已经成为推动中国经济发展和社会进步的重要力量。不过,社会结构的调整和生活模式的多样化,也使女性的职业角色和思维模式受到挑战。究竟什么样的女性才能在传统文化与现代文明交融的大背景下,更好地实现人生价值呢? 笔者认为,只有能够不断提升自我价值和不断创造社会价值的卓越女性才能获得真正有意义的人生,二者缺一不可。基于这样的理念,我们的直销团队就必须有—套旨在整体提升女性素质的“打造卓越女生团队”的系统方案,以帮助新一代的女性在仪态、视野、底蕴、心灵方面吸收最新的理念、掌握实践卓越的方法和优化思维模式,最终使她们从内在到外在,从人格修养到综合素质获得全面提升,并为她们未来的发展提供源源不断的动力源泉。因此,笔者通过总结自身多年来培训女性直销团队的经验认为,系统、实用和标准化打造卓越女性及其团队,应该从以下几个方面着手制订战略并加以实施执行。 In the past 30 years, the all-round progress of Chinese society has provided an unprecedented space for the development of women. At present, the percentage of Chinese women participating in social work is as high as 46.7% of the total number of practitioners, far above the world standard. In recent years, China’s employment has gradually become a hot direct selling industry, women account for nearly 70% of the proportion. Undoubtedly, women have become an important force in promoting China’s economic development and social progress. However, the adjustment of social structure and the diversification of life style have also challenged women’s professional roles and modes of thinking. What kind of women can better realize the value of life in the context of the integration of traditional culture and modern civilization? In the author’s opinion, only the outstanding women who can continuously enhance their self-worth and continuously create social values ​​can obtain a real meaningful life ,Both are indispensable. Based on this philosophy, our direct sales team must have a systematic program to “create a team of excellent girls” that aims at improving the overall quality of women in order to help a new generation of women absorb the latest ideas in terms of modestness, vision, heritage and spirituality , Master the method of practice excellence and optimize the thinking mode, and ultimately make them from the inside to the outside, from personality training to comprehensive quality to be fully upgraded, and for their future development provides a steady stream of motivation. Therefore, by summarizing my own experience in training female direct sales teams over the years, I believe that systematically, practically and standardly building excellent women and their teams, we should formulate strategies and implement them from the following aspects.
日用小商品产销领域浙 江 义 乌小商品 市 场、上海 的襄 阳 路小 商品 市 场、福佑路 小 商品 市场 等 ,为 什么 都 远近 闻名且生 意 兴隆 ?就 是 因为 日用 小 商品 和人
Small crystal zeolites ZSM-5 with sizes of 150-300 nm were synthesized using the colloidal silicate precursors as the silica source created by the acid-catalyze