加强党的建设 做好中心工作——纪念中国共产党成立78周年

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今年7月1日,是中国共产党诞生78周年纪念日。回顾党78年辉煌的战斗历程,我们更加坚信,中国共产党是领导中国人民战胜一切艰难险阻,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中流砥柱。农发行各级行要更加自觉地坚持党的领导,按照党中央的要求和部署,切实加强党的建设,增强基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用,充分发挥共产党员的模范带头作用,带领全行干部职工,努力开创农业政策性金融工作的新局面。加强党的建设,当务之急在于发扬整风精神,深入开展“三讲”教育活动。农发行系统党委建立以来,系统党建工作取得明显成效,但面对着新的情况、新的形势和新的任务,我们的党员干部队伍在理论素质和知识水平、工作作风和工作方法、思想境界和精神状态等方面, July 1 this year, is the 78th anniversary of the birth of the Chinese Communist Party. Looking back on the brilliant battle of the 78 years of the party, we are even more convinced that the Chinese Communist Party is the mainstay that leads the Chinese people in overcoming all difficulties and obstacles and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. All levels of the agricultural development bank should conscientiously uphold the leadership of the party, conscientiously strengthen party building and strengthen the role of the grass-roots party organizations as a battle bastion in accordance with the requirements and deployment of the party Central Committee, give full play to exemplary role of party members in leading cadres across the bank Staff and workers, and strive to create a new situation in agricultural policy-oriented financial work. The urgent task in strengthening party building is to develop the spirit of rectification and carry out the “three stresses” education campaign. Since the establishment of the system of party committees for agricultural development and distribution, the system has made remarkable achievements in party building. However, in the face of new situations, new situations and new tasks, the ranks of our party members and cadres have achieved great achievements in theoretical quality and knowledge level, work style and working methods, And mental state and so on,
目的:探讨社会支持、自我效能感和人格因素对大学生抑郁的影响,为高校大学生心理健康教育和心理干预提供理论依据。 方法:采用分层抽样方法,对451名大学生进行问卷调查和