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志愿填报不仅仅是高考的收官环节,更关系着考生今后的职业选择,以及将来事业的发展等诸多方面。如果说考生在高考中要面临的是备考和应考,那么志愿填报就是考生家长所面临的考验。而对于志愿填报,家长应该从哪些方面着手准备呢?这里为满怀期盼的家长细细梳理一番。思想重视,放眼长远高考志愿填报时,有这样一个不容忽视的现象:家长对于志愿填报的重视程度与考生的学习成绩成正比,也就是说,考生的成绩越优秀,家长的重视程度越高。其实,不论孩子的考试成绩如何,家长都应该慎重对待,不能因为孩子的成绩不理想,而在志愿填报环节 Volunteer reporting is not just the final part of the college entrance examination, but also related to the candidate’s future career choices, as well as future career development and many other aspects. If the candidates in college entrance examination to be facing the pro forma and should take the test, then voluntary reporting is the test of the candidates parents face. For voluntary reporting, parents should be prepared from what aspects? Here for parents full of hope to sort out some. Think seriously, think long-term college entrance examination voluntary reporting, there is such a phenomenon can not be ignored: the importance of voluntary reporting for parents is proportional to the student’s academic performance, that is, the more outstanding candidates, parents pay more attention. In fact, no matter how the child’s test scores, parents should be treated with caution, not because of the child’s unsatisfactory performance, but in voluntary reporting links
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