An Analysis on the Translation of Big Breasts and Wide Hips from the Perspective of Cultural Differe

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1. Introduction

  Big Breasts and Wide Hips is a novel written by Mo Yan in 1995 for his deceased mother. Mo Yan eulogizes his mother as the original creator of lives, and makes the continuity of lives significant. The translator of this novel, Howard Goldblatt, who has rendered other works of Mo Yan, makes great contribution to conveying Mo Yan’s ideologies as well as the traditional Chinese culture to the world.
  Culture is indispensable to our daily life, and language is the carrier of culture. As such, the cultural differences between English-spoken countries and China exert great influences on the process of translation. This paper aims to discuss excerpts of English version of Big Breasts and Wide Hips with respect to regional culture, thinking patterns, social customs and religious beliefs. This paper also analyzes how Goldblatt uses translation strategies to tackle these cultural differences.

2. Cultural Differences and Translation

  2.1 Regional Culture
  Different regional cultures form different cognitions on the same thing that can be embedded with rich connotation and denotation in one language context. Meanwhile, it can also be nothing special in other language background. From this perspective, how source text is appropriately translated into the target language? The following example will show detailed information. “牛鞭” is translated into “horsewhips” in the target text, because of non-corresponding connotation of this word between two languages. The words “ox” and “horse” have similar function in two languages. In China, ox has played an important role in the agricultural society since Shang Dynasty made a significant contribution to the development . But in western countries, horse is an indispensable tool used on farming and in wars. As a result, Westerners prefer using horse instead of ox to describe some abstract things in daily life. If “牛鞭” had been translated into “oxwhipes”, it would be strange in the culture of target language, and Westerners would get confused by its meaning. For tackling this problem, translator takes the strategy of “naturalization” by replacing with a similar term in target culture. In this way, the ox culture in China can be delivered to target readers as logical and accurate as possible.
  2.2 Thinking Patterns
  2.2.1 Ethical thinking vs cognitive thinking
  Confucianism has a great influence on the Chinese society, thus Chinese pays great attention to ethics while English to cognition. This ethical thinking manifests itself in Chinese. For example, “三綱五常”(莫言 105) originally means three cardinal guides (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and the five constant virtues (benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity)(Xiang-Yun Du 82) . However, Goldblatt simply rendered it as “three cardinal values of social relations” (Goldblatt 135) with “五常” omitted, because Goldblatt does not want to burden its target-readers. Since “五常” is a word highly advocated in the Chinese feudal society, we deem it would be better if Goldblatt adopts the strategy of foreignization to faithfully convey its original meaning to target readers and thus carry forward traditional Chinese culture.   2.2.2 Figurative thinking vs logical thinking
  Chinese is a figurative language, which can be traced back to hieroglyphic-old Chinese characters to convey meaning by drawing pictures similar to physical objects. Chinese prefers using figurative words to illustrate abstract meanings. Chinese is characterized by parataxis, with sentences loosely connected and running in a linear way, which requires readers to read between the lines to get its meaning. Whereas, English is a language of logical and analytical thinking. Thus, English is hypotactic by using lots of connective words to make it a logical and comprehensible unit. For instance, 打開窗户说亮话(莫言 83)Goldblatt’s translation is to have a heart-to-heart talk. (Goldblatt 112) In Chinese, this phrase means people having a candid talk with each other without concealing secrets. 打开窗户is a figurative way of expressing the meaning of opening the heart. Instead of literal translation, Goldblatt employs free translation to convey its deep meaning to the target readers.
  Social Customs
  We call behavioral differences caused by “natural conditions as feng and the social cultural differences as su” (李旭219). Social customs indicate certain habit within certain community during certain time and bring different associations in this novel. Mo Yan describes surrounding scenery and creature with cultural associations to show underlying meanings.
  “Magpies, the so-called happiness birds, chattered in poplar trees outside” (Howard Goldblatt 1)
  In Chinese culture magpie is a lucky bird to inform good news and represent the fortune of the family when flying into people’s house in the New Year. This association paves the way for giving birth to the baby of the heroine in next plot. However, the magpie brings misfortune and is seen as a gossiper in the west. The strategy of intratextual gloss (Aixela 59) is used to handle different intertextual status (58), adding annotation and explaining the association of magpie as “the so-called happiness birds”. Readers who don’t know Chinese social customs get the additional information to understand the connection between the lucky bird and child birthing.
  “鸡的喉咙便豁然开朗,一股黑色的血淅淅沥沥地”(莫言 12)
  “The rooster’s throat opened up, releasing a torrent of inky red blood” (Howard Goldblatt 16)
  The derogative meaning of “black” indicates death in Chinese culture. But in the west, black is a symbol of elegant and high class. Howard Goldblatt deleted black and substitute “black blood” to “inky red” (16). As for the foreign readers, they just base their judgment on the information that they are looking at without the consideration of underling meanings, especially when they are espoused to the unfamiliar cultural background. Therefore, by using the translation strategies of adaptation and appropriate deletion (Aixela 59), the translator tries to use the concept that is more familiar to the target readers and closer to their cultural background .   Religious Beliefs
  “Religious belief is the belief in the reality of the mythological, supernatural, or spiritual aspects of a religion”( Throughout Mo Yan’s Big Breasts and Wide Hips, religious belief is rife which presents that Taoism has a wide-ranging influence on the social life of Chinese people. However, westerners have a better understanding of Christian living. For example,
  (莫言 5)
  “Lord in Heaven, protect me… Worthy Ancestors, protect me… gods and demons everywhere, protect me, spare me . . . Father or Heaven, Mother of Earth, yellow spirits and fox fairies, help me, please…” (Howard Goldblatt 5)
  In order to bridge the gap between Chinese and Western culture, Goldblatt “brings the CSI into the intertextual corpus felt as specific by the target language culture” (Alvarez, Roman, and M. Carmen Africa Vidal 63). By employing naturalization strategy, he translated “菩萨” into “lord in heaven” , and “神”into “god”.
  However, the religious belief between Western Countries and China is extremely different. Taoism is an original polytheism. There is no limit and distance between ordinary people and “神” in Taoism. Conversely, Christianity believes that people have no right to approach Lord. In his translation, readers will be so confused that Christianity is the same as Taoism. In this sense, to gain a better understanding of Chinese religious culture, transliteration plus an explanation of the meaning or implications of the CSI can be a more adaptable way.

3. Conclusion

  In conclusion, local flavor of northeastern China in Big Breasts and Wide Hips can be traced in regional features, thinking patterns, social customs and religious beliefs. The translation of this novel is inevitable engaged in the handling of cultural clashes between the East and the West. Howard Goldblatt downplays these divergences by adopting naturalization, intratextual gloss and deletion. These translation strategies contribute to narrowing the gap between target and original text to convey the essence of the novel to foreign readers. However, some cultural differences cannot be completely bridged by applying these translation methods. Intercultural communication is fundamental to resolve this issue.
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【Abstract】The formation of China English conforms to the law of social language development. The abundant presentation of China English and its special Chinese characteristic attract many scholars and
【摘要】英语学习中的阅读部分向来是教学和学习的重点,掌握阅读的方法和技巧是提高英语成绩,培养学生语言运用能力的重要途径之一,农村学生基础知识薄弱,对英语学习兴趣不高,运用多种策略提高英语阅读的有效性是教学和研究的重点。  【关键词】英语阅读教学;初中英语;农村学校教育  【作者简介】陈杨华,海门市三厂初级中学。  英语是初中阶段的主要学科,也是今后成长和发展以及适应多元化社会生活,顺应时代大潮而必
【摘要】英语能力主要包括了包括听、说、读、写这四项,其中写作无疑是最难的一部分,同时也是英语考试考查的重点。然而目前高中生的英语写作能力普遍较差,我们必须在平时的学习过程中有意识的提高写作能力,才能达到英语学习的最终目标。  【关键词】高中生;英语写作;提高;有效方法  【作者简介】张琛煜,河北省蠡县二中。  引语  英语不仅是一门学科,同时也是全球目前使用最广泛的语言。对于我们的英语写作,虽然一
【摘要】记单词往往是初学者学习英语的一个障碍所在,尤其是零起点的初学者对于英语学习的兴趣会因为单词障碍而消减。在英语中单词有“词根”“词缀”,“词缀”又分“前缀”和“后缀”。前缀改变单词意思,而后缀改变单词词性。构词法不仅能让学生快速记住单词,扩大词汇量,还能快速运用所背单词。  【关键词】构词法;前缀;后缀;记忆单词  【作者简介】再同古丽·克然木(1987.03-),女,維吾尔族,新疆财经大学
【摘要】应用语言学作为当前高校新兴的学科,与传统的大学英语存在非常密切的联系。基于此,文章就具体分析了应用语言学与大学英语教学的关系,以其对教学工作有一定的指导及借鉴作用。  【关键词】应用语言学;大学英语;关系  【作者简介】陈正汉(1996.7.8- ),男,湖北武汉人,本科,武汉东湖学院,学生,研究方向:英美文学。  引言  应用语言学是一门相对成熟的交叉学科,具有非常强大的生命力,为此,当
【摘要】马里奥·普佐的长篇小说《教父》在1969年一经出版,在当时就获得了巨大的反响。这部作品的成功不仅在于以黑手党为背景的故事情节的波澜起伏和引人入胜,也在于人物刻画的准确生动。文章首先介绍教父维托·考利昂存在的社会背景,结合小说情节对塑造的男主人公形象进行分析。在此基础上通过具体事件:黑手党帝国的建立、对周围人的影响和待人之道来诠释作为黑手党首领的维托的性格特征和人格魅力。  【关键词】《教父
【摘要】随着国际经济一体化的不断推进,大学中双语教学改革也拉开了序幕。在高校中新增实用课程英语教学已经成为普遍现象。ESP作为一种专门用途英语,以功能主义语言观作为教学理论基础,有效地拓展了语言教学及各项技能发展。本文通过对该门课程的概述,从而对课程设置以及教学方法给出了几点建议,以更好地提升教学质量。  【关键词】科技英语翻译;课程设置;培养策略  【作者简介】杨丹(1984-),女,湖南岳阳人
【摘要】作为ESP应用语言学的一个重要分支,物流英语有很多典型的行业英语特征,其中名词化的使用尤为突出。本文将结合具体例子来分析物流英语中名词化的表现形式和他们的语用功能。  【关键词】物流英语;名词化;功能  【作者简介】李玉霞(1982.11- ),女,江苏如皋人,南京工业职业技术学院,英语语言文学,硕士,讲师。  一、什么是名词化  名词化是指使用表示动作和状态的抽象名词、起名词功能的非限定
【摘要】近年来,我国中小学英语教学水平得到了显著的提升,为学生学习英语打下了坚实的基础。但是,受到传统英语教学的影响,我国中小学英语教学还是存在着衔接不良的问题。而美国语言学家提出的“i 1”理论就能很好地解决这一问题。本文通过对目前学生“i”水平进行分析,指出如何将“i 1”理论与中小学英语教学融合在一起,提高中小学英语教学效率。  【关键词】“i 1”理论;中小学英语;衔接;应用  【作者简介