
来源 :国际航空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:talent_luo
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美国国会于1978年通过了对航空运输业放松管制的法律,结束了40年之久的在政府干预下的行业竞争。许多观察家认为,这一举措改变了航空运输业的经营思路。 为应付日益加剧的竞争并时刻关注自己的财政状况,航空公司开始根据自己的资产负债表和盈利情况来调整计划航班业务、收费和业务扩充。 目前,国内航空运输业陷入严重的财政危机。面对高达数亿美元的财政失衡和亏损,许多航空公司正被迫收缩业务。难道真像某些人所说的那样,这一切应归罪于放松管制政策吗? 带着这一疑问和其他问题,美国 The U.S. Congress passed the law on deregulation of the air transport industry in 1978, ending a 40-year industry competition under government intervention. Many observers believe that this move has changed the business thinking of the air transport industry. To cope with increasing competition and keep an eye on its own finances, airlines have begun to adjust planned airline operations, charges and business expansion based on their balance sheets and profitability. At present, the domestic air transport industry is in a serious financial crisis. Faced with hundreds of millions of dollars of financial imbalances and losses, many airlines are being forced to shrink their business. Could it be that, as some have said, should this be blamed on the deregulation policy? With this and other questions, the United States
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建筑业是世界最具国际性的行业之一,涉及所有国家和地区。因此,要使我国交通工程业继续发展,必须了解国际建筑业的惯例,尤其要在安全管理上和国际接轨。 The construction
1993年过去了,我们迎来改革开放的又一个黎明,值此辞旧迎新之际,向全国同行们表示诚挚的问候,祝大家在新的一年里工作顺利,事业发达! After 1993, we have ushered in anoth