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这里发表了两篇文章。前一篇是一位应届高中毕业同学今年三月的一篇作文(附教师评分和批语),我们征得本人同意特予发表。后一篇是寿县义井人民公社阮大郢生产队会计、下塘中学一九六二年高中学业生阮仁坦写给我们的文章。这两篇文章都谈到青年同学,特别是将要毕业的同学普遍关心的一个问题,即如何看待参加农业劳动和升学的问题,但两篇文章的看法却完全不同。前一篇文章认为,“参加农业劳动不如升学前途大”,认为“董加耕的精神可嘉,做法不好”,认为青年学生到农村去不过是把“建设社会主义的好材料投到群众的海洋里激起些波纹”;后一篇文章却认为:“升学和不升学都是要参加劳动,只是有早些参加劳动和迟些参加劳动的区别,没有高低之分,没有前途大小之分”,认为“知识青年参加农业生产意义十分重大”,认为“知识青年在农村大有可为”。究竟哪一篇文章的看法正确,什么是青年学生的前途,青年学生怎样才能对革命和建设事业作出贡献,怎样看待一个人贡献的大小,以及怎样评价知识青年参加农业生产的意义、作用等等,所有这些,都是很值得讨论的问题。因此,我们希望读者针对这些问题发表意见,参加讨论。来稿内容要具体,最好一篇稿子集中谈一个问题,不必面面俱到。稿件请在信封上注明“? Two articles were published here. The previous article was an essay by a senior high school graduate in March this year (with teacher scores and comments), and we obtained special permission to publish it. The following article is an account written by Yu Rentang, a senior high school student from 1962 in Shek Keng Middle School, Shou County People’s Commune, Shou County, Shou County. Both of these articles talked about the problem that young students, especially the students who are about to graduate, are generally concerned about how to treat the issue of participating in agricultural labor and studies, but the opinions of the two articles are completely different. The previous article argued that “participation in agricultural labor is not as promising as studying in a higher school” and believes that “Dong Jiageng’s spirit is commendable and the practice is not good.” It is believed that young students who go to rural areas are simply throwing “the good materials for building socialism into the ocean of the masses”. There was a wave of ripples in the article; the latter article considered that: “The only way to go to school and not to study is to participate in labor. There is only a difference between early participation in labor and later participation in labor. There is no distinction between high and low, no difference in size.” It is believed that “intellectual youth participate in agricultural production is of great significance” and believes that “knowledge youth have much merit in rural areas.” Which article is correct, what are the future of young students, how young students can make contributions to the revolution and construction, how to treat the size of a person’s contribution, and how to evaluate the significance and role of intellectual youth in agricultural production, etc. All of these are very worth discussing. Therefore, we hope readers can express opinions on these issues and participate in the discussion. The content of the manuscript should be specific. It is better to have a manuscript focused on one issue and not necessarily to be exhaustive. Please specify on the envelope the manuscript "?