Optimization of the spectral performance of an antireflection coating on a micro-spherical substrate

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snailswuya
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To improve the optical performance of an antireflection(AR) coating on a micro-spherical substrate, the ray angle of the incidence distribution and the thickness profile are taken into consideration during the optical coating design. For a convex spherical substrate with a radius of curvature of 10 mm and a clear aperture of 10 mm,three strategies are used for the optimization of the spectral performance of a broadband AR coating in the spectral region from 480 to 720 nm. By comparing the calculated residual reflectance and spectral uniformity,the developed method demonstrates its superiority in spectral performance optimization of an AR coating on a micro-spherical substrate. To improve the optical performance of an antireflection (AR) coating on a micro-spherical substrate, the ray angle of the incidence distribution and the thickness profile are taken into consideration in the optical coating design. of 10 mm and a clear aperture of 10 mm, three strategies are used for the optimization of the spectral performance of a broadband AR coating in the spectral region from 480 to 720 nm. By comparing the calculated residual reflectance and spectral uniformity, the developed method demonstrates its superiority in spectral performance optimization of an AR coating on a micro-spherical substrate.
南太平洋的福克兰群岛,跳岩企鹅的繁殖圣地,一场“原配大战小三”的戏码正在上演。  跳岩企鹅堪称忠诚的典范。每年的繁殖季节,它们总会寻找固定的伴侣抚育后代。  然而,当一只母企鹅费力地跳上礁石,准备与数月未见的“丈夫”相会时,竟然发现“丈夫”和另一只企鹅腻歪在一起。 “原配夫人”立马冲上去, “小三”被打翻在地,“原配夫妻”相拥而去。  被打倒在地的“小三”用两鳍支地,慢慢站了起来。伴随着的,是一阵