A Study on the Influences of Yao Ming's Basketball Career on Chinese College Students' Bas

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  Wuhan Sports University Wuhan, Hubei, 430074
  Abstract. By adopting the methods such as documentation, questionnaires, and in-depth interview, the author has surveyed 2000 College students who have been enrolled in ten different colleges in Hubei Province. According to the research findings, Yao Ming's professional sports career and NBA basketball culture have profound impacts on the college students' humanity and campus basketball culture in China.
  Keywords: Yao Ming; Basketball; College students; Basketball culture
  Since his first break into NBA as the first overall pick in 2002, Yao Ming has soon found his own position in NBA and struggled to establish his own identity. In his professional career as a basketball player in America, Yao Ming fully deserves the honor of the NBA globalization pusher who has immeasurable promoted the popularization of basketball in China—the world's biggest market. When it comes to what Yao Ming's value is? The answer that first come up to people's mind would be his tremendous commercial value, since China is one of the world's biggest basketball consuming markets with a large population. But coming to the culture transmission, Yao Ming's value seems to be more significant. It is Yao Ming's professional basketball career in NBA that makes more and more Chinese teenagers pay close attention to basketball, get to know basketball and be keen on basketball. Thus it is not surprised to find that Yao Ming's words and behaviors have influenced the growth of a younger generation. Yao Ming, who has set a good example for the teenagers, combined the characters of diligence, modesty, wisdom and self-discipline promoted by the eastern culture and the characters of humorous, gentleman, kindness and distinction highly praised by western culture.
  1 Research subjects and methods
  1.1 Research subjects
  The 2000 research subjects were randomly selected and stratified from college students who have been enrolled in ten different colleges in Hubei Province such as Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, South-Central University for Nationalities, Hubei University, Hubei University of Economics and so on. The questionnaires were required to be filled in by the research subjects on the spot and would be taken back right after they were finished.
  1.2 Research methods
  This paper has adopted several research methods, such as documentation, questionnaire survey, interview, and mathematical statistics method to analyze and study the research topic and research subjects.   2 The influences of NBA league matches on college campus basketball culture in China
  U.S. is the birthplace of basketball and one of the countries in which basketball is most popular, it holds the highest level of basketball competition in the world and contributed to the global transmission of basketball. Meanwhile, basketball has played a very important role inn the promotion of America's economic and cultural development. The audiences, despite their different cultural background, are all attracted by the NBA matches and enjoy themselves. So, the analysis of NBA matches' charm and its causes can provide the development of college basketball culture in China with some references.
  It can be inferred in the above table that NBA league matches are very popular among college students as it is shown in the survey on the positive effect of watching NBA matches, 78.4% of college students choose "improves the appreciation ability towards basketball matches", and 65.0% of them choose "increases the interest toward basketball". Why NBA league matches are so popular among college students? The main reason is that the NBA basketball players who are idols in college students' hearts are the best ones worldwide and those players with excellent skills present the audience the highest level of basketball matches in the world.
  2.1 Improving college students' aesthetic standards by NBA matches
  It is suggested in table 1 that 78.4% of college students believe watching NBA matches can improve their appreciation ability towards basketball matches. As it is known to all: according to the commerciality requirements of NBA league matches, all the NBA players must be top-level in the world, with excellent physical quality, powerful air superiority as well as exquisite playing skills, NBA players' pinpoint passing, magic shooting, adept dribbling and lightening slam dunk give the audiences too many visual impacts to enjoy. Their efficient, simple and flexible strategies, those splendid "alley oops", as well as the match suspense make audiences all clapped astounding. Watching NBA matches is just like enjoying fancy dances which gives people aesthetic gains and appreciations. Besides, the basketball match is full of battles of wits, the wits battles among players and various strategies make the matches hundreds of high lights which enhance the spiritual beauty of the game. While showing the players' excellent skills and strong spirits to the audiences, NBA league matches also presenting the power beauty and spiritual beauty to the audiences.   2.2 Enriching college students' extracurricular activities through NBA matches
  65.0% of the surveyed college students think that watching NBA matches can increase their interests toward basketball and enrich their extracurricular activities. Most college students choose to sit before TV and watch NBA matches in their extracurricular time, and they show even more interests towards NBA when they can find Chinese basketball players especially Wang Zhizhi, Yao Ming, and Batter participating in the world-level basketball competition. College students can communicate with each other and exchange their views about basketball which not only enrich their extracurricular time, but also give them a chance to enhance their friendships. Besides, the diverse and wonderful performances from cheering teams between two sessions supplement the match with each other, all these activities help to pile up the atmosphere and give the audiences a feeling of integration. The unique charms of NBA matches have fully entertained college students and enriched their spiritual world. By watching NBA matches, college students attach much more interests toward basketball while imitating their favorite basketball players' actions.
  2.3 Learning more about American culture through NBA
  37.9% of surveyed college students mentioned that, they can learn about more American culture through watching NBA league matches: America is a superpower in the world, it is not only powerful in its economy, but also has a strong culture as its backup force. As the pillars of society in the future, college students are obliged to learn advanced American culture in every aspect, among which watching NBA matches is a very effective way. Through those individualized, distinctive and multifarious basketball players in NBA, college students can learn about that, individualism is the essential of American culture. The introduction before the match of the city from which the home team comes can let college students learn more cultural background information about the city. By watching the home court fans' passions, college students can feel their humanistic concerns. It can be concluded that, by watching NBA matches, college students can improve their aesthetic appreciation ability towards sports activities, get more athletic knowledge, and form better sportsmanship; these have all greatly influences the spiritual culture in colleges and universities.
  3 The influences of Yao Ming phenomenon on college campus sportsmanship   The Chinese basketball fans have pay unprecedented attention to NBA league matches since Yao Ming's entering into it; he has shown amazing talent and commercial value on the stage of world-level basketball match. Yao Ming represents not only a kind of sports phenomenon or commercial phenomenon, but also a kind of social phenomenon, since he changes the views that all the Chinese people hold toward themselves, so does the Americans'. Houston Chronicle has once commented Yao Ming as: Behind Yao Ming, people can see an opening China who is now a member of WTO that is marching forward with political and economic reforms. Yao Ming is a typical representative of his motherland both in outlook and characters. For example: Yao Ming is very tall and strong in his body shape but rather modest in personality, he prefer to show collective spirit rather than his own individuality; though as a highly-valued player, he keeps an placid attitude towards the people and things around him. It is Yao Ming's behaviors that thoroughly changes Americans' deep-rooted thinking patterns, and make them change their views towards Chinese people from the bottom of their hearts. Besides, the American people's eyes have been transferred from the false scenes in the movie acted by Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan to the real world, they have seen the excellent Chinese basketball player who is tall and flexible. So it is undoubtedly that Yao Ming has become the idol of Chinese people especially those college students and his influences also changes college students' sports concept and sports custom.
  3.1 The reasons for college students' fondness of watching NBA league matches
  As is shown in table 2, in the survey of why college students are fond of watching NBA league matches, 75.5% of surveyed college students choose "because of Yao Ming's participation" which ranks No.1, and 54.5% of surveyed college students choose "because of the wonderful skills of basketball players" which ranks No.2, so it is obvious that college students' impression for Yao Ming has directly influenced their fancy for American basketball games.
  3.2 The influences upon college students' athletic spirit
  In recent years, basketball is emerging in colleges and universities in China, and to some extend, Yao Ming phenomenon has provided a bigger stage for college students who are seeking for novelty and innovation. Basketball games have become the most universal and popular sports activities in colleges and universities. Yao Ming is the trademark and symbol of basketball and his experiences in NBA have influenced college students' outlook on life and world at varying degrees. The character which has greatest impact on college students is his spirit of go-aheadism, which account for 73% of the total. Yao Ming is one of the most influential sportsmen, who enjoyed an international reputation in China's sports history, but his is not an inborn hero, it is his spirits of hard working, intelligence, and go-aheadism that contribute him to his success step by step.   What college students can learn from Yao Ming is that, if one wants to be successful, he must have the spirit of go-aheadism and cherish the opportunities to learn as well as pursue the life goal consistently like Yao Ming. If all the college students can cherish themselves, they will be satisfied with their own achievements. Yao Ming's experiences in living abroad has set a good example of combining eastern and western culture together which greatly influences college students' athletic spirits.
  3.3 The enhancement of college students' collectivism awareness
  Yao Ming's awareness of collectivism has left deep impressions on college students, for instance, during the year 2002 to 2006, Yao Ming would not hesitate to return China and participated all the important competitions of Chinese Men's Basketball. Though shortly after the foot surgery, Yao Ming decided to participate in the World Championship in August, 2008. With his patriotism and go-aheadism, Yao Ming is gradually being respected by his teammates and become a spiritual leader of Chinese Men's Basketball. In the 2005 Asia Championship, Yao Ming was punched bloody at his lower jaw by a Lebanese player, but he return to the match as soon as he finished his bandage treatment in dressing room. Besides, he actively returns the society by participating in many social public welfare activities. He never tell others that he had once made donations to the stricken people, however, he stands out to be the image spokesperson for Chinese Marrow Donor Program, Special Olympics and The International HIV Prevention Association, through the public welfare activities and advertisements, he call on people to support those disadvantaged groups who needs helps both in material and in spirit. September 12th is Yao Ming's birthday, when being asked about what kind of birthday wish he wants to make, he just smiled and said: "I would rather leave this birthday wish to Chinese Marrow Donor Program and I hope that there would be more and more donors." All the college students are deeply moved by Yao Ming's collectivism awareness, and they said they would take Yao Ming as a good example and make contributions to the colleges and our motherland.
  3.4 Arousing college students' interests towards basketball games
  There are millions of basketball enthusiasts in China most of whom are college students; they are also the origin of college basketball culture. Yao Ming has helped to promote the college basketball development, his performances on NBA matches has affected the hearts of these college basketball fans and brought vitality to the campuses. Yao Ming's performances have often been discussed by college students after class, and his posters could be seen everywhere on campuses. To some extent, Yao Ming phenomenon has enlarged the number of college basketball fans and contributed to the formation of favorable sportsmanship. Thus, it can be concluded that Yao Ming phenomenon has obvious influences on athletic custom, athletic virtue as well as athletic spirit in colleges and universities.   4 Conclusions
  It is too hard for most college students to accept the reality when Yao Ming declared his retirement at two o'clock p.m. on July 20th, 2011. During his nine years' basketball playing in NBA, millions of college students spent their campus lives while appreciating splendid NBA matches. NBA is a culture feast that American people provide for the whole world. Its influences are far beyond the national boundaries, and people will not stop looking forward to it due to the lockout from 2011 to 2012. Despite his helpless retirement, Yao Ming's basketball spirit will not be forgotten by teenagers.
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