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党的十八届四中全会提出,全面推进依法治国,总目标是建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,建设社会主义法治国家。这必将开创全面推进依法治国伟大实践的新征程。依法治教是依法治国方略在教育领域的具体体现,实施依法治教,是全面推进依法治国的题中应有之义。只有实施依法治教,才能培养和造就21世纪的一代新人,才能建设一支高素质的教师队伍,才能全面提高学校的办学水平,才能确保教育事业健康有序发展。毋庸置疑,改革开放以来,随着依法治国战略方针的提出,我省的依法治教工作取得了令人欣喜 The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed that the overall goal of governing the country according to law should be the building of a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics and building a socialist country ruled by law. This will certainly create a new journey of promoting the great practice of governing the country according to law in an all-round way. To administer education according to law is a concrete manifestation of the strategy of running the country according to law in the field of education. To administer education in accordance with the law is the proper meaning of the issue of comprehensively promoting the principle of governing the country according to law. Only by implementing the education according to law can we cultivate and bring up a new generation of people in the 21st century and build a contingent of highly qualified teachers so that we can comprehensively improve the standard of running a school and ensure a healthy and orderly development of education. Undoubtedly, since the reform and opening up, with the formulation of the strategic guideline of governing the country according to law, the work of administering the province according to law has been very gratifying
2016年11月1日,广东,珠海。第十一届中国国际航空航天博览会在珠海国际航展中心隆重开幕。  今年,恰逢中国国际航空航天博览会(以下简称“珠海航展”)创办20周年。  20年前的1996年,当时称为“96’中国国际航空航天博览会”的首届珠海航展,于11月5日至11日在广东珠海隆重举行。  已经明确为国家行为的这届珠海航展,得到了党和国家领导人的高度重视和大力支持,使得航展的准备工作顺利完成。11