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15年前,党的十一届三中全会在北京胜利召开,全会形成了以邓小平同志为核心的中央领导集体,重新确立了解放思想、实事求是的思想路线。15年来,沿着这条思想路线,中国社会进入了一个改革开放、快速发展的时代。 在中国广袤的农村,“家庭联产承包责任制”,异军突起的“乡镇企业”,中国农民的两个伟大创造,解决了我国社会主义农村体制的重大问题。“交足国家的,留足集体的,剩下的全是自己的”。这个朴实的算式,极大调动了农民的积极性。8亿农民获得了对土地的经营自主权,使农村经济向着专业化、商品化、社会化迅速发展。告别了土地,走入乡镇企业的农村剩余劳动力,为农村致富又开辟了新路。 中国农村改革的成功,推动了中国城市经济体制的改革。关于社会主义经济理论的一系列突破和最近提出的建立社会主义市场经济体制的理论,把城市经济体制改革逐步引向深入。同时,全方位的对外开放,使中国经济越来越成为世界经济的一个组成部分。 改革是革命,改革是解放生产力。十一届三中全会的思想路线演变出的这15年改革开放的伟大实践,使中国人创造了一个又一个奇迹。 我们的综合国力得到了前所未有的增强,以致于国际上有人赞叹在世界经济不景气的当今时代,中国经济却能以高速度快速增长,这不能不说是个奇迹。 《中共中? Fifteen years ago, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party was held in Beijing. The plenum formed a central collective leadership with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as the core and re-established the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts. In the past 15 years, along this line of thought, Chinese society has entered an era of rapid reform and opening up. In the vast countryside of China, the “household contract responsibility system”, the “township enterprises” that are emerging all over the country and the two great creations of Chinese peasants have solved the major problems of the socialist rural system in our country. “Pay the country, stay in a collective, the rest of all their own.” This simple formula greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of peasants. 800 million peasants have gained the autonomy in the management of the land and the rural economy has developed rapidly in a specialized, commercialized and socialized manner. Bid farewell to the land, into the rural surplus labor force of township enterprises, opened up a new road for the rural rich. The success of China’s rural reform has promoted the reform of China’s urban economic system. A series of breakthroughs in the theory of socialist economy and the recently proposed theory of establishing a socialist market economic system have gradually guided the reform of urban economic system. At the same time, opening up to the outside world in all directions has made China’s economy more and more an integral part of the world economy. Reform is a revolution, and reform is liberating the productive forces. The great practice of the 15 years of reform and opening up that emerged from the ideological line of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee has enabled the Chinese people to create miracles one after another. Our comprehensive national strength has been strengthened so unprecedented that some people in the world have praised it that it is a miracle that China’s economy can grow rapidly at a high speed in the current era of the global economic downturn. "Chinese Central Committee?
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