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近年来不少核物理电子仪器或脉冲测试仪器,都乐于采用“怀特”电路来改善仪器的电气性能。甚至在某些精密测量中也都采用此种电路。与普通的阴极输出器比较,“怀特”电路最突出的优点,有(1)对脉冲有良好的上升,和下降特性。(2)较小的非直线性畸变。(3)迫近于1的放大倍数。(4)较低的输出阻抗。(5)较高的电路稳定性。因此,“怀特”电路特别适宜作为电离室,闪爍计数器,脉冲讯号源,短脉冲放大器等的输出线。同时,在半导体霍尔效应测量中采用“怀特”电路作输入级也是非常适宜的。虽然,国外对“怀特”电路的特性和具体应用作了不少探计,但国内还很少兑对此种电路作全面的介绍,本文试图结合国产电子管,比较全面地讨论电路的稳态和瞬态特性。在讨论电路的瞬态特性时,我们采用强极点近似法,其中的强极点只要比其余极点六倍接近于p-平面的虚轴就能得到满意的结果,与精确分析结果比较不超过15%。 In recent years, many nuclear physics electronic instruments or pulse test equipment, are happy to use “White” circuit to improve the electrical performance of the instrument. Even in some precision measurements are also used in this circuit. Compared with the common cathode output device, “White” circuit the most prominent advantages are: (1) the pulse has a good rise, and drop characteristics. (2) smaller non-linear distortion. (3) Magnification close to 1. (4) lower output impedance. (5) high circuit stability. Therefore, “white” circuit is particularly suitable as ionization chamber, scintillation counter, pulse signal source, short pulse amplifier output line. In the meantime, it is very suitable to adopt the “white” circuit as the input stage in the semiconductor Hall effect measurement. Although abroad, the characteristics of the “White” circuit and the specific application made a lot of exploration, but the domestic rarely against this circuit for a comprehensive introduction, this paper attempts to combine domestic electron tube, a more comprehensive discussion of the circuit steady-state and Transient characteristics. In discussing the transient characteristics of the circuit, we use the strong-pole approximation, where the strong pole is six times closer to the imaginary axis of the p-plane than the rest of the pole to obtain satisfactory results, compared with the accurate analysis of no more than 15% .
为了验证GPS、BDS、Galileo、GLONASS多系统融合精密单点定位(PPP)方法的性能和精度,该文使用了GPS、BDS、Galileo、GLONASS多系统融合的数学模型,实现了多系统融合的PPP定位算法。利用实测数据,对GPS、BDS、Galileo、GLONASS进行静态PPP和基于消参的最小二乘方法动态PPP定位试验。试验结果表明:多系统融合静态PPP的收敛时间可达10 min左右
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