中日两国一衣带水,文化交流源远流长。在我国早期银幕上曾出现过两部根据日本文学作品改编的故事片。 1926年商务印书馆活动影戏部改组成国光影片公司,当时,主持编导工作的杨小仲,特邀了印书馆外文部编辑陈趾青任编剧,他先后编了三个剧本,均由杨小仲导演,其中,有一部根据日本二十世纪初的著名作家德富芦花的家庭悲剧小说《不如归》改编的同名影片,主要演员除了汪福庆、沈化影、严工上、周文素外,还有杨小仲的母亲也参加了演出。日本二十年代新思潮派作家菊池宽,在日本文学史上有一定影响,鲁迅早年曾向读者介绍过他的作品。菊池宽1923年写的第一部通俗小说
China and Japan have a long history of water and cultural exchanges. There are two feature films adapted from Japanese literary works on the early screen of our country. In 1926, the Department of Film and Television of the Commercial Press Activities Department was reorganized into the Guoguang Film Company. At that time, Yang Xiaocun, who was in charge of the director’s work, invited Chen Zhiqing, a screenwriter from the Foreign Language Department of the Printing Press, to write a series of screenplays. He was directed by Yang Xiaozhong Among them, there is a movie based on the family tragedy novel “Better Times”, adapted from the famous writer Takuya Toro of Japan in the early twentieth century. In addition to Wang Fuqing, Shen Huaying, Yan Gong Shang and Zhou Wen Su, the main actors include Yang Xiaozhong Mother also participated in the show. Kikuchi Kawai, a writer of Japan’s New Trend of Thought in the 1920s, had some influence in the history of Japanese literature. In his early years, Lu Xun introduced his work to readers. Kikuchi wide 1923 wrote the first popular novel