
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:racheal2009
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在我的记忆里,“父亲”这个字眼显得很陌生。在我还不足两岁的时候,父亲就因病魔而离开了我们,剩下母亲一个人孤单地拉扯我们。母亲的身影在我周围不停地晃动:上班、下班、洗衣、做饭、接我们上学放学、一个人换煤气、电灯坏了自己修……所有父母亲的角色都被母亲一个人承揽了下来。慢慢地,我们长大了。看着白发一点点地爬上母亲的额头,皱纹过早地带给她满面的风霜。为了我们,这么多年来她没 In my memory, the word “father” seems unfamiliar. When I was under two years old, my father left us because of illness, and the rest of the mother alone pulled us. Mother’s figure kept shaking around me: work, work, laundry, cooking, pick us up and get out of school, a person for the gas, the lamp is broken, repair their own ... ... all the parent’s role has been the mother of a person under contract . Slowly, we grew up. Looked a little white hair climbed on the mother’s forehead, wrinkles prematurely brought her full face. She has not been for us for so many years
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经济全球化已成为一种趋势 ,世界文化也呈现出多元文化交融的情形。中国文化作为世界多元文化的重要组成部分 ,在经济全球化的背景下面临着挑战和发展的机遇。我们应求同存异
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