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It was probably no accident that George Orwellused the term Big BrotheF for the dictator in his novel1984.Psychologists have long been aware that birthorder generally creates certain personality traits。Big brothers and sisters usually develop leadershiptendencies early in life,mainly because of theresponsibilities for younger siblings given to them bytheir parents.The danger,experts on ramily and childpsychology report,is that if the older sibling takes thatrole to an extreme,he or she call become an overbearingand tyrannical adult。 It was probably no accident that George Orwellused the term Big BrotheF for the dictator in his novel1984.Psychologists have long been aware that birthorder generallycreated certain personality traits. Big brothers and sisters usually develop leadershiptendencies early in life,mainly because of the responsibility for younger siblings given to them bytheir parents.The danger,experts on ramily and child psychoology report,is that if the older sibling takes thatrole to an extreme,he or she call Become an overbearingand tyrannical adult.
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