
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nemosan
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为了让幼儿教师比较全面地了解幼儿园工作的各个环节及其职能,帮助教师能用全面的、整体的眼光对待各项教育工作和管理工作,从而有利于促进幼儿园全面发展教育的实施,从本期起,我们将连载由北师大教育系副主任梁志燊等同志撰写的系列文章《幼儿园的教育》馐堑谝黄?以后将陆续刊出有关幼儿园教育的目标、特点与原则,游戏和体育活动,行为教育,美的教育,科学活动,组织管理,幼儿园与家庭教育等内容。作者在撰写这一组系列文章时,以邓小平同志提出的“教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来”为指导方针,力求从教育改革的要求出发,摒弃一些不适应幼儿体智德美全面发展的陈旧教育模式,对幼儿园教育的实际工作和理论研究都有积极意义。 In order to help kindergarten teachers understand all aspects of kindergarten work and their functions in a more comprehensive manner and help teachers have a holistic and holistic approach to education and management so as to promote the implementation of comprehensive kindergarten education, Starting from, we will serialize a series of articles entitled “Education for Kindergartens”, written by comrades such as Liang Zhishen, deputy director of the Beijing Normal University Department of Education. The objectives, characteristics and principles of kindergarten education, games and sports activities will be published one after another , Behavioral education, beauty education, science activities, organization and management, kindergarten and family education. When writing this series of articles, the author takes the guideline that “education should be oriented towards modernization, facing the world and the future” put forward by Comrade Deng Xiaoping. It strives to start from the requirements of education reform and abandon some measures that are inappropriate for the overall development of moral education, Of the old education model, kindergarten education practical work and theoretical research have a positive meaning.
扩大牙弓就是增加骨量的一种方法。它可以把牙弓的宽度增大及牙弓的长度增长。这种牙弓的变化对腭弓有何影响?我们收集了100例牙列拥挤病例于扩大牙弓治疗后作 Expand dent
写作能够促进阅读能力的提升,而阅读能满足写作的基础性要求。笔者主要通过引导学生对课文进行仿写、改写及要求学生写日记的方式在小学语文阅读中进行读写结合教学。 Writi
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我们在1982年3—6月对兰州地区成年人智齿萌出、阻生等情况进行了抽样调查,现将调查结果报道如下: In March-June 1982, we conducted a sample survey of adult Wisdom te